The idea of a participant in a “live” tv show is nothing new and has been done both in the past with the excellent Running Man written by Stephen King writing as Richard Bachman and more recently The Hunger Games. Revolver attempts to be a political statement using the persona of Cara Jones as a downtrodden political animal who has one last chance (or more importantly her family as she will not come out of this alive, hence the revolver) to bequeath wealth by appearing on a nationwide reality television show. It would appear the more abuse, revelations personal anguish and confrontations she can expose will result in positive votes and an increase in her dollar value. Of course all this comes at a price and the viewing public will only expect one final bloody outcome! If this short story is an attempt to make some type of statement on behalf of womankind then it is totally lost on me, I thought the writing and the idea (which is certainly not original) utterly irrelevant and a total waste of my (albeit) limited reading time.