In the middle of the night when the tree branches brush against your windows and you curl up under your covers waiting for the dawn to come... that is not the time to read this book.
When night has fallen and across your path deep shadows lie, and the world is silent as if it's waiting for something to happen... that is not the time to read this book.
I made the mistake of starting this book about 30 minutes before I should have been asleep. An hour later, the walls creaked behind me and I held my breath... and turned another page.
In a house where secrets wait and the past is never gone, dark velvet curtains drape behind each door to protect you from what is unseen. When Mister Jones goes to view his grandfather's house, now for sale, a series of events is set in motion that would bring fear to even the most practical of men.
As the days grow shorter and All Hallows' Eve approaches, this is the perfect book to raise your blood pressure and chill your spine. Ignore the coincidence of the author's last name and remember that while the tooth fairy doesn't exist, neither do ghosts and demons... right?
Maybe you should leave a light on just in case.
If you aren't too spooked and The Showing sounds like a novel that you'd enjoy, the kindle edition can be found at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LXBQ482/?tag=shasworofboo-20. Just remember, beware of the shadow behind you...
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