A few weeks ago, my husband, son and I decided that we would try to work our way through some movie series this summer.
We started with Harry Potter, and watched all eight of the movies. This took a couple of weeks. Both my son and I had seen them all more than once, but my husband hadn't seen the last two, and hadn't watched any of them for several years. It was hugely fun, so we decided to move on to a new series.
We settled on Star Wars next, and decided to go in chronological order, not release order. My recollection was that the first three movies were pretty bad. I wasn't wrong. Ultimately, I ended up thinking that Phantom Menace - believe it or not - was the best of the three. Attack of the Clones was completely, indefensibly terrible. We're at the mid-point of Revenge of the Sith, which is also simply awful. We've been hate-watching them, at this point, which is entertaining in its own way. We are going to struggle through the end of Revenge of the Sith, which may represent the nadir of the series, and then move on to Rogue One, and at least Nick and I plan to go see Solo this weekend.
I liked Rogue One, and I've actually heard pretty good things about Solo, so I'm looking forward to that one. I've enjoyed all of the remaining movies, so starting with the shitty trilogy was probably a good decision.
We haven't decided where to go from here, but have a several possibilities:
Mission Impossible (5 movies, one in the pipeline)
Bourne (5 movies)
Back to the Future (3 movies)
Men in Black (3 movies)
Marvel Cinematic Universe(we've already watch through Phase II of the MCU)
DC Extended Universe
Pirates of the Caribbean (5 movies)
Indiana Jones (4 movies)
What I am missing? Any suggestions? The movies have to appeal to me, my husband and my 18 year old son, which is why James Bond isn't on the list - I don't think he would be interested in the Roger Moore/Sean Connery Bond movies, although we might do a truncated watch of the Pierce Brosnan/Daniel Craig Bond movies, which I think he might enjoy.
P.S.: Anyone who suggests Twilight will be mocked. Mercilessly. ;)
Additional suggestions:
Middle Earth (6 movies) (no idea how I missed this one)
Jurassic Park (5 movies)
Star Trek (reboot only, 3 movies)
Terminator (5 movies)
Godfather (3 movies)
Narnia (3 movies)
Mad Max (4 movies)