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quote 2018-09-17 13:05
“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.”
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling,Mary GrandPré

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

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review 2015-10-24 08:49
But sometimes we can lose ourselves. Out of fear or sadness or guilt, we become less than we should be. It can be hard to find the courage to move on.
Heart's Blood - Juliet Marillier

Heart's Blood - Juliet Marillier 

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review 2015-09-20 05:12
But there's another kind of love. One that gives you the courage to be better than you are, not less than you are. One that makes you feel that anything is possible.

I've been thinking of you constantly since i left, wondering why the journey i'm on seemed to have led through you. I know my journey''s not over yet, and that life is a winding path, but i can only hope it somehow circles back to the place i belong. That's how i think of it now. I belong with you.

Before we met, i was as lost as a person could be and yet you saw something in me that somehow gave me direction again

The greater the love, the greater the tragedy when it’s over.

Nights in Rodanthe - Nicholas Sparks











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quote 2015-07-08 16:01
"I've developed an interest in geological studies and the search for fossils. And I am hoping to get an article published through the American Philosophical Society."

"A society? About fossils?" Rafe asked.

"The Proceedings is their quarterly journal."

Rafe grunted.

She reached a level spot, and when Rafe came down next to her, she leaned close and whispered, "I believe my findings might make me eligible for the Magellanic Premium." Julia felt the excitement shining out of her.

"You don't have a brain in your head, do you?" Rafe sound sad but resigned, the idiot.

Nook pg. 54.


Closer and closer to the DNF line.

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quote 2015-07-08 15:52
Julia turned and Rafe was only inches away. He said, "We should use ropes. Tie ourselves together. Then when you fall I can save you."

That was nice.

Disrespectful, definitely doubtful, slightly sneering even, and she was very tempted to punch him in the nose. But his underestimation of her was rooted in his wanting to keep her alive, so there were heroic overtones to his sneering.

And that was nice.
Out of Control - Mary Connealy

Nook pg. 53.


I am so close to the DNF stage I can taste it.

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