If there is one thing that is common for all students irrespective of their class, educational Board, and medium of study is, when it comes to mathematics the only key to succeed in this subject and scored the maximum number of marks is to practice as much as possible. Mathematics demands from the students that they practice all the questions that are there in the textbook we ate the questions that are given as examples of the questions that are given in the back exercises of all chapters. Many students take up coaching classes or other tuitions for this subject as it is a common norm to go for these classes when it comes to mathematics. The problem with these though is that they forget about or ignore the textbook questions and start focusing on other books that are not part of the syllabus. The textbook questions hold importance because they are the questions that are taken as reference by the teachers who prepare the question paper for examination. It is extremely important that the students have a thorough understanding and knowledge of what type of questions are there in the textbook. mathematics can be a difficult subject for many but it doesn't remain difficult if the students keep on practicing the textbook questions. Extramarks the learning website helps the student in this practice by providing them with NCERT Mathematics guide for Class 8. This guide has the solution for all the questions that are there in the textbook.