or maybe some public gardens and wondered about the people you see there…Who are they? Where do they come from? Where are they going to? Why are they there? So many questions. In ‘Tales of Bryant’ Ms Locey creates stories that could easily play out in such a place…a place that really could be anywhere even around the corner from where you or I live, but in this case the park happens to be in New York, and it’s called Bryant Park.
Bryant Park is the thread that joins each story to the next. In the first book Bryant park was where Isamu and Brian’s story began. Then in book #2 we again returned to Bryant Park to as these two men became husband and husband but just as one story was getting it’s happily ever after another one was beginning.
It was during Isamu and Brian’s wedding that Caiden and Devon first meet and their attraction is something that neither man wants to ignore and what starts off as a one night stand quickly becomes something much stronger and far more than either of these men are prepared for.
Caiden and Devon are two very different men, at very different places in their lives. Caiden is a successful producer of LGBT movies. His career is established, he’s got the connections, professionally he’s proven himself. He’s had relationships and even he’s cautious because he knows he’s quick to fall in love and he wants to give Devon everything…except the one thing that Devon wants the most.
Devon’s a film student and after being thrown out of his home for being gay, he’s also determined to show his father that he can make it on his own. He’s working a minimum wage job at a bakery to try and make ends meet, he’s got classes and when he gets offered the intern position at Budgie in the Dell studios…he’s not crazy of course he jumps at the opportunity…really, what’s a few less hours of sleep?
While the age disparity between these two men isn’t a favorite of mine just as it wasn’t with Brian and Isamu, somehow it all seems to work. In both cases the men all bring something unique to the table helping to keep things balanced and to offset the difference not so much in regards to the age difference but in regard to the power dynamic of an older, career established person with considerably more life and career experience vs someone whose career hasn’t really started and whose life experience is much more limited and yet in both cases the author has made this dynamic work for me. For me the fact that both of the younger men have the strength of character to stand up for what they want and who they are, even when they’re afraid it could cost them what matters to them the most is definitely a large contributor towards making these relationships work.
Along with Isamu and Brian who have returned from their honeymoon the story offers us a peek at Adrian, whom we met in ‘Nine Small Sips’ and we are also introduced to Luis, Caiden’s cook and housekeeper and one adorably colorful personality. I’ve got my fingers crossed that future stories will see both of these men paying a visit to Bryant Park to see what destiny has in store for each of them.
The ‘Tales of Bryant’ each provide a story that feels complete in both content and emotion as well as offering a connection to more and I’m definitely looking forward to more.
An ARC of ‘Fade In’ was graciously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.