Changing words within a sentence does not qualify to be called paraphrasing. To effectively paraphrase a sentence or a paragraph, you need to retain the original meaning but using your own words distinct from the author’s words. While this may sound simple, most people end up losing sense or merely summarizing the content. This occurs when people lack a clear understanding of what paraphrasing means.
Paraphrasing is repeating another person's content in your own words but retaining the original meaning. Many reasons necessitate paraphrasing, among them:
- To show that you understand a text or a speech
- To simplify an overcomplicated text
- Improve paragraph
- To avoid committing plagiarism
- To reinforce your research
Strategies to effectively paraphrase
The most common problems with paraphrasing are distorting the meaning and committing plagiarism. Both issues are a letdown when it comes to the academic sphere. You, therefore, need to read here and put in practices the strategies to be able to rephrase your document correctly.
Thorough reading
Read the text given over and over again until you understand the meaning. Some words are difficult to understand. Write them down and find their meaning. Again go back to the passage trying to insert the wordsor synonyms of those words so that you get the flow. Do this until you get the full sense and intentions of the author.
Write in your words
When you are fully satisfied that you understand the meaning, write down the passage in your own words. Do not refer to the original text. Write in an explanatory style. Imagine you are explaining the passage to your friend. That is the style you should write. This is one part of paraphrasing service.
Make a comparison between what you’ve written against that of the author. That involves re-reading both pieces again and penning down the respective main thoughts. Do they look alike? Actually, they should.
While comparing the two pieces, you need to:
- Address the authors idea but in a unique way
- Replicate the opinion of the author and not simply replace words in the original sentences of the author.
Remember to maintain a scholarly tone in your writing, as it will uphold the integrity of the work. Similarly, give the piece of writing a unique style distinct from the author’s style.
After paraphrasing, it is vital that you include a citation. That should include the name of the author, year and the paragraph or page. Still in doubt? Get more details at