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text 2019-03-20 05:16
7 Reasons: Why To Use Cloud Payroll Software?

If you’re planning to invest in an HR and Payroll Software, you’re among a large number of smart businesses switching to SaaS solutions. Stand-alone software is becoming irrelevant with each passing day due to the benefits provided by Cloud-based Software. As a matter of fact, a majority of organizations are switching to cloud solutions and Indian companies to seem to have accepted this trend. If your company is still wondering why to use an HR and Payroll Software, here are the top 7 reasons for you shouldn’t waste your time:



Agility and Accuracy


As a genuine employer, you may always lay emphasis on paying your employees on time and paying them fairly. But for most of the HR and Payroll departments, the rush hour just can’t be avoided. The SaaS-based Payroll solutions offer user-friendly and intuitive interfaces. Perhaps the automation eliminates the need for calculating manually completely which helps save time. And you can be confident about running an error-free Payroll without worrying about stereotyped and redundant processing. 



Better Mobility


Today, work isn’t limited to the office premises and with more and more companies allowing their staff to work from their home, the cloud-based solutions empower HR executives and Reporting Managers to approve Payroll inputs from their devices around the clock. This is truly a wish come true for with organizations operating from multiple locations and in multiple shifts. Another advantage is that you can also configure your attendance inputs as per the varying time-zones.


Fortify your data better


Many fancy about the security of their data stored on the cloud. But before arriving at a conclusion, consider the fact that IT companies invest heavily in providing security and are always reinventing security measures. The data is encrypted and a back up is always stored on the servers to avoid any unexpected or urgent situations. So when making a choice, apart from the use of encryption protocols seek clarity regarding the type of cloud where data is stored, the amount of server downtime (which shall be always minimal) and the servers’ security information.


Dynamic and Scalable


If you’ve ever worked with on-premise software, you are already aware of the pain of making any modifications. Like any other organization with a growing number of employees, you are committed to boosting your business and there are seasonal changes in employment along with fluctuations, so you can always pay exactly for the number of resources you use without worrying about the estimating future demands and dealing with capacity-shortage or overpaying.


ESS Portals


The ESS (Employee Self Service) Portals help extensively in reducing redundant workload off the shoulders for everyone right from employees to staff members to approving managers to HR executives. The ESS Portals ensure that employees have proper access to their Payroll Information through their personal devices and they need not rely on the HR department to get their payslips or past remuneration data and can make requests for updating their data. This also eases approving requests on time as managers get remainder notifications apart from accessing information with convenience.



Higher ROI


Avail higher ROI by opting SaaS solutions over stand-alone software as you don’t have to buy in-house servers, pay for the electricity bills and refrigeration or worry about purchasing and re-purchasing modification set-ups. This means that there is no need to engage a large IT team just to look after them and you can still have virtually zero downtimes. Apparently, you also don’t need to worry about the latest security measures to keep your data safe.



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This the biggest advantage when it comes to choosing a Cloud Payroll Software over its traditional in-house counterpart - your Payroll Software is always up to date. You don’t need to buy any hardware or work on new functionalities for your vendor shall take care of each and everything. And apart from scalability, all the updates from tax slabs to labor laws, your Payroll Software will precisely take care of your legal safety which indeed improves the working experience.


In a nutshell, a cloud-based Payroll Software helps you improve profitability, productivity and help reduce errors while standing out to be not just environment-friendly but pocket-friendly too!

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