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text 2020-06-19 03:06
Pearl Bracelets Make For the Perfect Gift


Pearls have long been considered as precious stones of excellent class and beauty. They highlight the elegance of womanhood when one wears them as a necklace, bracelet, ring, or earrings. Pearl bracelets are the perfect gift since women can wear them with any kind of clothing, be it casual or formal wear. They can be worn with the trendiest of dresses or the most formal of corporate attires.


Pearls are formed in mollusks or oysters. In their natural habitat, mollusks produce pearls when irritants enter their shells. Nacre then gets deposited around this irritant and is covered by a harder material to form the pearl. Natural pearls are very rare and are definitely more expensive than cultured ones.


Cultured pearls are produced by introducing a stimulant into a mollusk to start the build up of the pearl. Generally, the shape and size of cultured pearls can be influenced by those who process them.


Pearls as Gifts


No woman would say no to pearl bracelets. They never fail to add charm and glamour to a woman with its natural brilliance. They can be contemporary or classy, but either one is eye-catching. They are also not very difficult to pair with different kinds of clothing.


Pearl bracelet can be strung from all sorts of shapes of pearls such as button, round, or coin. Even irregularly-shaped pearls can be used. Moreover, a wide variety of colors is available and ranges from white, silver, gold, and black, to green, lavender, peach, and pink. Some designs of them incorporate different colors, but even the plain ones have different undertones when placed under a light source.



Women of all ages will definitely be delighted to receive elegant pearl jewelry. This versatile piece of jewelry will highlight women's features and bring out their best assets.


Pearls are natural gems created by living creatures. Each began its existence as a piece of dust or grit that had made its way into the shell of a mollusk, like clams or oysters. Because of the presence of a foreign particle, those creatures' defense mechanism kicks in - the clam coats the intruder with layers and upon layers of nacre. This thickens and forms into what we call a pearl.


Because of their natural beauty, pearls are a favorite for jewelry. Their exquisite colors and shapes are specially set off in pearl bracelets, and as such, pearl bracelets are a favorite among women, and even a few men, alike.


Natural pearl for pearl bracelets is deemed rare, and understandably expensive. Pearl bracelets with natural pearl are hard to come by - most pearl bracelets sold are those made of cultured pearls.


Cultured pearls are almost similar to natural pearls, except for one factor - human intervention. A shell is carefully opened and a tiny bead inserted within - the shapes of the inserted particle vary, depending on the desired final shape. The thicker the nacre coating, the higher the quality and the more durable the cultured pearl is.


Pearls for pearl bracelets can also be saltwater or freshwater - it depends on where the nature of cultured pearl originated. Pearls are also classified by their shapes - you will notice that no two pearl bracelets are exactly alike. This, in itself, gives a semblance of uniqueness and, therefore, value. The choice of pearls does, therefore, require some thought as the finished effect may, or may not, be to your individual liking and preference.

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