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text 2020-02-03 10:48
Symptoms, Causes, Treatment of Uterine Fibroid


Uterine Fibroids are benign tumors that grow on the wall of your uterus during your childbearing years. Not all fibroids have symptoms. Some women with uterine fibroids have large tumors that cause acute stomach pain and heavy bleeding during menstruation. Uterine fibroids are also called leiomyomas (lie-o-my-O-muhs) or myoma.
The size of fibroids can vary from minuscule to large masses changing the shape of your uterus. Women can have single or multiple fibroids. Myoma can be classified by the location in the uterus, different types of uterine fibroids are:-
  • Intramural fibroids are the most common grow on the uterus wall.
  • Subserosal fibroids project outside the uterus.
  • Submucosal fibroids protrude into the uterine cavity.
Many women with uterine fibroids are asymptomatic i.e. they experience no symptoms. Symptoms may depend on the number of tumors, its location, and the size of the tumors. The common signs of uterine fibroids are:-
  • Heavy bleeding during periods that can be painful
  • Menstrual cycles lasting longer than a week
  • Pain in the pelvis and lower back
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Complication during pregnancy
You need to book a gynecologist in Lucknow in case you have persistent pelvic pain, long and painful menstrual cycle,  spotting between periods, struggle to empty your bladder, and or are anemic. Ziffytech is a platform where you can find best pediatrician in Lucknow as well as you can book affordable diagnostic packages in Lucknow.
The reason for uterine fibroids is unknown.  According to research, more than one or more factor can play a role. These reasons are: –
  • Genetic abnormalities in the uterus.
  • Hormonal changes in the body – Estrogen and progesterone are hormones produced in your ovaries. These hormones help create the lining during menstruation and can stimulate fibroids.
  • Genetic – Uterine fibroids run in some families.
  • Pregnancy – Your estrogen and progesterone level increase during pregnancy. Uterine Fibroids may develop and grow while you are pregnant.
The best gynecologist in Lucknow may discover you have fibroids during a pelvic exam. Fibroids feel like lumps or mass on the uterus.  The gynecologist near me may order the following tests to confirm uterine fibroids:-
  • Imaging tests such as ultrasonogram and MRI
  • Saline sonohystergram is a vaginal sonogram which is performed by putting fluid into the uterus. The expanded uterine cavity provides a better view of the fibroids growing in the uterus.
  • Blood tests at home to rule out other potential causes for the symptoms.
The best gynecologists in Lucknow may opt to perform exploratory surgery:-
  • Laparoscopy   a tiny incision is made near or on your navel and a thin flexible wire with a camera is inserted. This allows them to view the uterus.
  • Hysteroscopy the thin flexible wire is entered through the vagina and cervix. 
Most women do not show any symptoms of fibroids.  The gynecologist in Lucknow may monitor your symptoms carefully.  If the fibroids are causing discomfort. The best gynecologist in Lucknow may opt for the following treatment for uterine fibroids:-
  • Medication – The gynecologist near me may prescribe over the counter pain medication to deal with the pain and iron supplement if you are anemic. Birth control medication may control the symptoms. Hormonal medication that helps control the estrogen and progesterone levels can help shrink fibroids. Some medicines may have side effects you need to discuss this with your gynecologist in Lucknow.
  • Surgery – Severe fibroids may not respond to medical treatment. Some common surgeries performed by the best gynecologists in Lucknow are:-
    • Myomectomy is done to remove fibroids from the uterus.
    • Hysterectomy is the partial or complete removal of your uterus. This is an extreme measure done when the fibroid is very large or there is excessive bleeding.
    • Endometrial ablation is done by removing uterus lining. The procedure is done using laser, heat, or electric current.
    • Myolysis a needle inserted into the fibroid during laparoscopy.
    • Uterine Fibroid Embolization or Uterine artery embolization is done by cutting off blood supply to fibroid. The fibroid will eventually shrink and die. During the procedure, embolic agents are injected into the arteries supplying blood to the uterus.
According to Ayurveda fibroids are caused due to accumulation of Kapha dosha, and pitta and vaha dosha disorders.  The kapha dosha needs to treat before masses can move to other parts of the reproductive system. Ayurvedic doctors in Lucknow treats Kapha dosha, pitta dosha and vaha dosha together to help treat the fibroids and the associated symptoms.  The Ayurvedic doctors prescribe herbal remedies to treat the condition.  The doctor suggests lifestyle changes such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regular, and massages.
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text 2020-01-27 06:34
Why Does your child need a pediatrician?


One of the first decisions you make regarding the welfare of your child looking for a pediatrician to treat your child. A pediatrician is a doctor who is trained in treating diseases and illnesses that affect babies, children, and teenagers. Pediatricians in India have completed their MBBS followed MD in pediatrics. Some pediatricians can specialize further after they have completed the MD program. There are over 30 subspecialties in pediatrics.
What does your pediatrician do?
The best pediatrician in Lucknow keeps your child healthy by monitoring their growth and development. They treat your child from infancy to their teen years. They prevent illnesses by vaccinating and monitor your child’s general health.
The pediatrician near me monitors the physical, mental, and emotional health of their patients. They diagnose illnesses and administer treatment. The pediatrician near me treats minor injuries, acute and chronic illness. The best pediatrician in Lucknow monitors the physiological and psychological growth of your child. They will also answer your concerns about your child’s development and growth. The child specialist near me will guide you about disease prevention, hygiene, and healthy nourishment.
Ziffytech will help you to find best gynecologist in Lucknow, also it provides benefit to book blood test at home with very affordable price.  
Why do you need a pediatrician? 
 You may prefer to go to your general physician for your child. Benefits of going to the best pediatrician in Lucknow are:-
  • They are specifically trained to look after children
  • Since they only see children they can diagnose and treat childhood diseases better.
  • If your child was premature or has a chronic ailment, specialist care of a childcare specialist near me is recommended. 
Traits the best Pediatrician in Lucknow should have
Finding a pediatrician can be challenging, you want the best for your child and you want someone reliable. There the qualities you can look for while looking for the best pediatrician in Lucknow: –
  • They should enjoy interacting and dealing with children. They should be able to communicate effectively and professionally with you and their staff. Many children are scared during their visit, the child doctor in Lucknow should be able to deal with them calmly and patiently. The doctor should be able to explain procedures to both children and their parents.
  • They should be open and truthful while answering queries of parents. They should not be dismissive about their concerns.
  • They should document your child’s medical history carefully and keep a track of the medication administered.
  • The best pediatricians in Lucknow should keep themselves abreast of the latest advances in pediatric medicine. They should also be aware of the latest vaccination charts recommended by the government. New parents rely on them regarding well-being, diet, and breastfeeding information.
  • The child doctor in Lucknow should have received positive feedback from colleagues and patients.
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