Regular consumption of pine pollen tables helps to sustain the functionality the immune system, helping body hormones like DHEA, and testosterone to stay balanced.
Regular consumption of pine pollen tables helps to sustain the functionality the immune system, helping body hormones like DHEA, and testosterone to stay balanced.
Pine Pollen Extract can complement Daily Dietary micronutrients, and regulate the manufacturing, physiological functions: like as Endocrine System, Nervous system, and Digestive System. Pine pollen contains almost 100 kinds of enzymes that help to improve liver function detoxification to promote the growth of liver cells, etc.
Pine Pollen: Benefits and Applications
The beneficial properties of pine pollen powder are well known to humans. The cutter collected by the honey bee is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. No less effect on the body has the pollen of conifers.
The most widespread is the product collected from ordinary pine, forming extensive forests in the temperate climate zone. Pollen is rich in biologically active substances useful for respiration and digestion, slowing down the aging process. It is easy to take, can be mixed with other available products.
We will take a closer look at the healing possibilities of environmentally friendly pollen grains, which admirers of healthy recipes can collect in sufficient quantities on their own or buy in specialized stores. So, pine pollen: its properties and contraindications.
The chemical composition of pollen
Pollen, as pollen is otherwise called, is an accumulation of more than 200 nutrients in as accessible for the body. The natural concentrate contains proteins, most of the well-known vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids. According to the content and composition of amino acids, pollen approaches animal protein products: meat, milk, fresh eggs.
Not just that insects use pollen in their daily diet. It is useful for growth, improving health, normal puberty, and increasing stamina.
The composition of pine pollen powder includes:
All substances concentrated in pollen are easily absorbed and immediately after use being to work at the cell level.
Action on the body
Pine pollen is widely used in folk medicine. It is used for internal use in many ways. People with acute and chronic diseases can experience the beneficial properties of pine pollen. You will be pleasantly surprised by the list of its therapeutic effects:
Who are looking for one of the most powerful natural products, hormonal support, and tonics of longevity, adding pine pollen powder to food is what you need for those who want to improve the quality of their body’s health, as well as get additional benefits, take pine pollen and tablets from the Canadian pine pollen company.