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Search tags: plastic-household-mouldmold-suppliers
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text 2020-03-23 10:56
The material of the mold should be selected according to the size of the production


The material of the mold should be selected according to the size of the production batch of the product; 2 The structure of the mold - reasonable mold structure helps to improve the load carrying capacity of the mold and reduce the bearing capacity of the mold. The normal damage forms of different types of molds are also different, but in general, Plastic household mould/mold suppliers the damage of the working surface is in the form of friction damage, plastic deformation, cracking, fatigue damage, bruises, and the like.. In the actual production process, we must balance these factors according to product parts and objective needs, seize the main contradictions, and obtain the best economic benefits to meet the needs of production.


Mechanical load; 3 Machining quality of the mold - the defects of the mold parts in machining, EDM, hardening and surface treatment will have a significant impact on the wear resistance and anti-seizure ability of the mold; 4 Mould Working state - the accuracy and rigidity of the equipment used, the lubrication conditions, the pretreatment state of the material being processed, the preheating of the mold and the cooling conditions all affect the life of the mold during the working of the mold; The aspects are mutually influential and restrictive. Generally, in the mold design stage, the production batch type or the total number of times the mold is produced, that is, the design life of the mold, should be clarified.What are the main factors affecting the life of the mold?


The life of the mold refers to the total number of parts that can be processed under the premise of ensuring the quality of the parts of the mold, including the sum of the multiple repairs of the working surface and the number of parts processed before and after the replacement of the wearing parts


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