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review 2019-12-13 11:21
30 Prayers of Praise by Adam Houge
30 Prayers Of Praise: Becoming A Habitual Worshipper Through 30 Days Of Prayer - Adam Houge

I received a complimentary kindle copy of 30 Prayers of Praise: Becoming a Habitual Worshipper Through 30 Days of Prayer by Adam Houge in an Amazon promotion. I gave it four stars.


Day One: Praise for Salvation "Thank You for everything you endured for me. You are worthy of my adoration and praise."


Day Two: Deliverance "Your hand is so kind, and you always lead me gently in the way. I'm not deserving of Your goodness, Lord. Thank You for everything You have done to save me out of every trial, tribulation, and persecution."


Day Three: Blessings "Thank You, Jesus, for every blessing You have given me. Thank You for every good thing in my life."


Day Four: Faithfulness "Your faithfulness has always been my delight, and my heart rejoices in Your loving-kindness!"


Day Five: Trials "I don't know why You let harmful things happen, but I still believe that You are good. Thank You for trials!...I will praise You in the midst of my burdens."


Day Six: Promises "Thank You for Your precious promises!"


Day Seven: Hope "Thank You, God, for hope--for the hope of Your salvation, a new life, and a new body."


Day Eight: Mercy "Thank You for Your mercy and all the ways You forgive me daily. God, heal me and make me upright before You."


Day Nine: Strength "When I sin, You forgive, and when I'm weak You are strong. When I stumble, You are there to uphold, and when I fall, You are there to pick me up again."


Day Ten: Works


Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/30-Prayers-Praise-Becoming-Worshipper-ebook/dp/B00GKUGESQ

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review 2018-07-11 23:51
31 Prayers Of Praise: Building A Life Time Habit Of Praise Through Daily Devotion by Adam Houge
31 Prayers Of Praise: Building A Life Time Habit Of Praise Through Daily Devotion - Adam Houge

I received a free kindle copy of 31 Prayers Of Praise: Building A Life Time Habit Of Praise Through Daily Devotion in an Amazon promotion. I gave it five stars.


Day One: Praise for Salvation "Thank You for everything you endured for me. You are worthy of my adoration and praise."


Day Two: Deliverance "Your hand is so kind, and you always lead me gently in the way. I'm not deserving of Your goodness, Lord. Thank You for everything You have done to save me out of every trial, tribulation, and persecution."


Day Three: Blessings "Thank You, Jesus, for every blessing You have given me. Thank You for every good thing in my life."


Day Four: Faithfulness "Your faithfulness has always been my delight, and my heart rejoices in Your loving-kindness!"


Day Five: Trials "I don't know why You let harmful things happen, but I still believe that You are good. Thank You for trials!...I will praise You in the midst of my burdens."


Day Six: Promises "Thank You for Your precious promises!"


Day Seven: Hope "Thank You, God, for hope--for the hope of Your salvation, a new life, and a new body."


Day Eight: Mercy "Thank You for Your mercy and all the ways You forgive me daily. God, heal me and make me upright before You."


Day Nine: Strength "When I sin, You forgive, and when I'm weak You are strong. When I stumble, You are there to uphold, and when I fall, You are there to pick me up again."


Day Ten: Works "Lord, how might and amazing are all Your works!"


The book continues in this vein throughout the thirty days. It is a helpful guide to a prayerful life.


Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/31-Prayers-Praise-Building-Devotion-ebook/dp/B019TU0CRM


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review 2016-12-04 00:00
Missing Out: In Praise of the Unlived Life
Missing Out: In Praise of the Unlived Life - Adam Phillips https://msarki.tumblr.com/post/154055211413/missing-out-in-praise-of-the-unlived-life-by-adam

…In my version of strong reading , the strong reader is trying to rediscover what he hates, and he is looking for clues about how he can get out of it.

The title alone is reason enough to read this interesting elegy. But unfortunately, drawing from the works by [a:William Shakespeare|947|William Shakespeare|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1424313573p2/947.jpg], [a:Sigmund Freud|10017|Sigmund Freud|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1406688955p2/10017.jpg], [a:Henry James|159|Henry James|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1468309415p2/159.jpg], and Winnicott failed to buy me out, even though the liberal offerings regarding the clinical experience of Adam Phillips did provide enough grist for me to chew on religiously. As with any book of substance there were quotes aplenty for my pen to pilfer from his text. And in many cases the author’s own words are more sufficient and worthy than any lousy review.

Without frustration there can be no satisfaction. Frustration that is unrecognized, unrepresented, cannot be met or even acknowledged; addiction is always an addiction to frustration (addiction is unformulated frustration, frustration too simply met).

Thought is what makes frustration bearable, and frustration makes thought possible. Thinking modifies frustration, rather than evading it, by being a means by which we can go from feeling frustrated to figuring out what to do about it, and doing it; what Freud called ‘trial action in thought’ — and what we might call imagination — leading to real action in reality…thinking is the link, the bridge, and not an end in itself…failures of imagination would be the unwillingness to bear with frustration…And reality matters because it is the only thing that can satisfy us…But the quest for satisfaction begins and ends with frustration; it is prompted by frustration, by the dawning of need, and it ends with the frustration of never getting exactly what one wanted…

How do you know what your desire is? It is that which makes you feel guilty when you betray it; not when when you betray someone else, but when you betray yourself; indeed, for Lacan self-betrayal, the self-betrayal of giving up on one’s desire, is the source of guilt. We suffer from failures of ruthlessness…There is no satisfaction without an initiating frustration; and so there is no satisfaction that is not preceded — and to some extent pre-empted — by a wished-for fantasy of satisfaction…
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review 2016-08-07 23:07
Let Stupidity Reign
Praise of Folly - Desiderius Erasmus,Betty Radice,A.H.T. Levi

Well, what better book to read when you are in the Netherlands than Erasmus' tributed to stupidity. Okay, I'm sure he is not being serious, though it is difficult to tell at times, particularly when he suggests that by being an idiot one does become healthy, wealthy (but not necessarily wise – actually, that would be quite the opposite). Actually, healthy is probably not necessarily something that comes either, but certainly wealth seems to come to a lot of people who simply don't seem to have all that many brains, and that a lot of people are running around with pieces of paper that seem to claim that they are actually really intelligent, but in reality are complete idiots. Actually, that is not at all surprising because my Dad, who was an academic, has actually confirmed that one thing that academics seem to lack is common sense – they may have a university degree, but they haven't made their way in the school of life where they learn that doing stupid things doesn't necessarily pay off.


Actually, what Erasmus was getting at was that in the Europe of his time it seemed to benefit one a lot more to be stupid than to actually be wise. For instance, there are a lot of philosophers out there that don't seem to have all that much to rub together – actually being an artist doesn't seem to do all that much for you, at least while you are alive: as people seem to suggest, the only famous poet is a dead poet (and I suspect that is also the case when it comes to other artists, unless of course you happen to be Justin Beiber, but then again I guess he goes to prove that Erasmus actually has a point).


Look, everybody could rile against bankers, lawyers, and the like, but the problem is that as long as there is money and trade they are going to be with us – which is probably why Lenin, rather unsuccessfully mind you, tried to do away with commerce. Actually, we need to also consider the world in which Erasmus was running around – it wasn't like today where the bankers, lawyers, and such, would actually be the rulers of the country – that was the job of the aristocrats (the Netherlands was still a couple of hundred years away from becoming a republic) – however they still managed to dig their fingers into anything and everything that they could (and if you wanted to see a prime example of stupidity then you need look no further than the aristocracy). It reminds me of a quote by Kurt Vonnegut – the job of a lawyer is to move money from one point to another and take some for themselves, though the reality is not a bit but as much as they can get away with (they'll take all of it if they can generate enough billing hours).


Yet this is the foolishness that Erasmus is poking fun at – the fact that people are so caught up with the acquisition of wealth that they don't actually see the beauty of the world around them. In fact as long as they can surround themselves in a bubble of niceness (such as the Gardens by the Bay in Singapore – and that is a classic example – the city itself is beautiful, but jump across the straights of Malacca you will see an industrial hell hole – externalising to the extreme), it doesn't matter what goes on outside of their circle of comfort as long as it doesn't disturb that circle. However this is foolishness to the extreme – they want their comfort but comfort doesn't necessarily equate with happiness. I have lived in a big house with a swimming pool, but as soon as all my friends left after a three day party I was all alone again, and it all fell apart as well (and it wasn't as if I had money either – I didn't – it was just that I managed to score a room in a really cool sharehouse, and when I everybody moved out I was left with the entire house to myself).


They say that there is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid people, and I am sure this was going through Erasmus' mind at the time. The thing that makes a person stupid is because they don't ask questions, and the reason that they don't ask questions is because they don't want to seem to be stupid, but by not wanting to appear stupid they make themselves stupid by not asking any questions. At other times the reason they don't ask questions is because they believe that they already know the answer, or if the answer is wrong that is irrelevant because as far as they are concerned if that is their answer then that is the correct answer. Have you ever tried to argue with a stupid person? If you have then you'll know what I mean (though, of course, because we don't accept their answer, and their answer is actually right, then it makes us the stupid person).


The conclusion of the book comes down to a criticism of the church. Like [author:Martin Luther], Erasmus went to Rome and was horrified at what he saw. In fact he completely ruined his career by writing books such as Praise of Folly, however I will leave it at that because I am reading the next section of the book, and I will deal with criticism of then church therein.

Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/1718547399
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text 2016-07-10 09:17
DNF on page 64 out of 426 pages.
Bitch: In Praise of Difficult Women - Elizabeth Wurtzel

I'm giving up on this after that particularly twisted paragraph on rape culture logic. Wurtzel seems to be saying that women should proudly announce when they've been raped but we really don't need to know the names of the culprits, and this somehow fixes the problem.

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