Ear Pain is very problem where every one is experienced on there life. Ear pain or ache is a dull, sharp or burning pain that may be constant or fluctuating
Generally Ear phone Causes Only One Ear at rare causes pain for both ears
By Following Sample Home Remedies And Cure Ear Pain Naturally at home
1. COCONUT OIL : Putting 2-3 drops of body-temperature oil into the ear is an effective home remedy for ear infection. This helps to soothe ear pain at home
2. GARLIC : Garlic is an efficient home remedy as it possesses antibiotic properties. Heat the garlic in oil, and then allow it to cool. Filter the oil, remove the garlic and put two to three drops of the oil into the ear.
3. GINGER : 2-4 drops of fresh warm ginger juice to be instilled in the ear. This should be avoided in case of discharge
These are the Home Remedies For Ear Pain and you can cure naturally at home