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text 2023-07-19 04:48
Do You Have Anxiety When It Comes to Speaking to People?



Unveiling the Anxiety of Speaking to People


Do you feel anxious when faced with the prospect of speaking to people? You are not alone. Many individuals experience anxiety in social situations, especially regarding verbal communication. This blog aims to explore the nature of this anxiety, discuss its normalcy in public speaking, delve into the fear associated with speaking to people, and understand how anxiety contributes to the fear of talking.

Understanding the Anxiety of Speaking to People

What is the Anxiety of Speaking to People?

The anxiety of speaking to people refers to the apprehension, nervousness, and discomfort individuals experience when communicating verbally with others. It can manifest in various forms, such as social anxiety, performance anxiety, or specific phobias related to speaking in public. The fear of judgment, criticism, or the anticipation of saying something wrong can trigger anxiety, making it challenging to communicate effectively.

Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a type of anxiety that arises from the fear of being judged, embarrassed, or humiliated in social situations. When speaking to people, individuals with social anxiety may experience excessive self-consciousness, worry about being the centre of attention, and fear being negatively evaluated by others.


Performance Anxiety

Performance anxiety, often associated with public speaking, is the fear of performing inadequately or being scrutinised by an audience. The pressure to deliver a flawless presentation or speech can trigger intense anxiety, leading to physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, and mental distress.

Specific Phobias

Some individuals may have specific phobias related to speaking in public or certain social situations. These phobias can arise from traumatic past experiences or learned associations, causing an intense fear response when confronted with similar problems. Such phobias can significantly impact an individual's communication and engagement ability.

Is Anxiety Normal in Public Speaking?

Examining Anxiety in Public Speaking

Anxiety in public speaking is a common occurrence, even among seasoned speakers. It is perfectly normal to feel a certain level of anxiety before presenting to a group of people. The adrenaline rush and heightened state of alertness can enhance performance and focus. However, excessive anxiety that interferes with one's communication ability must be addressed.

The Yerkes-Dodson Curve

The Yerkes-Dodson curve illustrates the relationship between anxiety and performance. This curve shows moderate anxiety levels can enhance performance, leading to increased motivation, focus, and energy. However, performance declines due to excessive nervousness and mental overload when anxiety levels become too high.

Managing Anxiety in Public Speaking

To manage anxiety in public speaking, individuals can employ various strategies. These may include:

  • Preparation: Thoroughly preparing and practising the presentation or speech can boost confidence and reduce anxiety. Familiarity with the material helps individuals feel more secure in their knowledge and delivery.

  • Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques: Engaging in deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or meditation, can help calm the mind and body, reducing anxiety symptoms.

  • Positive Visualisation: Visualising successful outcomes and positive experiences before the speaking engagement can help individuals build confidence and alleviate anxiety.

Understanding Glossophobia: The Fear of Speaking to People

Unveiling Glossophobia

The fear of speaking to people is commonly known as glossophobia. It is an intense fear or anxiety associated with speaking in front of others. Glossophobia can range from mild discomfort to extreme distress, causing individuals to avoid public speaking situations. This fear can hinder personal and professional growth, limiting opportunities for self-expression and engagement.

The Impact of Glossophobia

Glossophobia can have profound effects on individuals' lives. It can lead to missed opportunities, hinder career advancement, and limit personal growth. The fear of speaking to people can create significant stress and anxiety, negatively impacting self-esteem and overall well-being.

Overcoming Glossophobia

While glossophobia can be challenging to overcome, it is not insurmountable. Here are a few strategies to help individuals face and conquer their fear:

  • Gradual Exposure: Gradually exposing oneself to speaking in front of others can desensitise the fear response over time. Starting with small, supportive groups and progressively working towards larger audiences can help build confidence.

  • Seeking Support: Joining public speaking groups or enrolling in courses that offer a supportive environment can provide guidance, feedback, and encouragement. Learning from experienced speakers and sharing experiences with like-minded individuals can help individuals overcome their fear.

  • Developing Communication Skills: Enhancing overall communication skills, such as active listening, non-verbal communication, and structuring thoughts effectively, can boost confidence in speaking to people.

Why Anxiety Causes a Fear of Talking

Unraveling the Connection between Anxiety and the Fear of Talking

Anxiety can cause a fear of talking due to several factors:

  1. Fear of Judgement: Anxiety amplifies the fear of being judged or evaluated negatively by others. Expecting criticism or disapproval can create a sense of vulnerability, leading to self-consciousness and inhibiting natural conversation.

  2. Perfectionism and High Expectations: Individuals with anxiety may place undue pressure on themselves to meet unrealistically high standards in their communication. The fear of making mistakes or being unable to express thoughts perfectly can intensify anxiety and hinder effective conversation.

  3. Negative Self-Perception: Anxiety can distort one's self-perception, causing individuals to perceive themselves as inadequate or inferior in social interactions. This negative self-image reinforces the fear of talking and contributes to a cycle of anxiety.

Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive distortions, such as overgeneralising, catastrophising, and personalising, can further fuel anxiety and the fear of talking. These distorted thought patterns create a biased lens through which individuals interpret social interactions, leading to heightened anxiety and avoidance behaviours.

Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the cycle of anxiety and fear of talking involves challenging negative thoughts and adopting more realistic and positive perspectives. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques, such as cognitive restructuring and exposure therapy, can help address these cognitive distortions and gradually reduce anxiety.


Overcoming Anxiety and Embracing Effective Communication

If you find yourself experiencing anxiety when it comes to speaking to people, remember that it is a common challenge faced by many. By understanding the nature of this anxiety, acknowledging its normalcy in public speaking, and recognising its fear, you can take steps towards overcoming your anxiety.

Seeking professional support, practising relaxation techniques, and gradually exposing yourself to social situations can help manage and reduce anxiety. Remember that effective communication is a skill that can be learned and improved upon. With time, patience, and self-compassion, you can conquer your anxiety and develop confidence in your ability to communicate with others.

So, take a deep breath, step out of your comfort zone, and embrace the journey of growth and self-expression. You can overcome your anxiety and communicate with clarity, confidence, and authenticity.

If you resonate with the experiences described in this blog and struggle with anxiety when speaking to people, know that you are not alone. Take the first step towards overcoming your anxiety by seeking professional support, joining public speaking groups, or enrolling in communication courses. Embrace the journey of growth and self-expression, and remember that with practice, patience, and self-compassion, you can develop the confidence to communicate effectively with others. Don't let anxiety stop you from expressing your thoughts and connecting with people. Start your journey today and unlock your full communication potential.

© Presence Training


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text 2023-05-24 04:14
Zoom Meetings Tips and Tricks for Speaking Confidently



With the rise of remote work and virtual communication, Zoom meetings have become essential for many professionals. However, speaking confidently on a video call can be challenging, especially if you're unfamiliar with virtual communication.


Here are Some Tips and Tricks for Speaking Confidently During Zoom meetings


Prepare in Advance


One of the keys to speaking confidently during a Zoom meeting is preparation. Before the meeting, review the agenda, prepare any necessary materials, and practice your talking points. This will help you feel more confident and in control during the meeting.


Check Your Technology


Technical issues can be a significant source of anxiety during a Zoom meeting. To avoid any surprises, make sure to test your technology in advance. Check your internet connection, camera, microphone, and other tools or software. This will help ensure a smooth and seamless meeting experience.


Dress for Success


While dressing down for a virtual meeting may be tempting, dressing professionally can help boost your confidence and credibility. Choose an outfit that makes you feel confident and put-together, and avoid distracting patterns or colours.


Practice Good Posture


Good posture can also help you feel more confident and in control during a Zoom meeting. Sit up straight, firmly planted on the ground, and avoid slouching or leaning. This will help you appear more engaged and attentive and project confidence and professionalism.


Speak Clearly and Slowly


When speaking on a video call, speaking clearly and slowly is essential. This will help ensure your message is conveyed effectively and avoid misunderstandings or miscommunications. Take your time when speaking, and enunciate each word to ensure you're understood.


Use Visual Aids


Visual aids can be a powerful tool for communicating effectively during a Zoom meeting. Use slides, charts, or other visual aids to help illustrate your points and keep your audience engaged. This can also help you feel more confident and in control during the meeting.


Engage Your Audience


Engaging your audience is key to speaking confidently during a Zoom meeting. Make eye contact with the camera, and speak directly to your audience as if speaking to them in person. Ask questions, encourage participation, and listen actively to their responses.


Be Prepared for Questions


During a Zoom meeting, your audience may ask you questions. To feel more confident and prepared, anticipate the types of questions you might be asked, and prepare your answers in advance. This will help you respond quickly and confidently during the meeting.


Avoid Distractions


Distractions can be a significant source of anxiety during a Zoom meeting. To avoid unnecessary stress, try to eliminate potential distractions before the meeting starts. Close any unnecessary windows or applications, silence your phone, and ensure you're in a quiet, distraction-free environment.


Use Positive Self-Talk


Positive self-talk can be a powerful tool for boosting your confidence during a Zoom meeting. Before the meeting starts, take a few minutes to remind yourself of your strengths and capabilities. Repeat positive affirmations to yourself, such as "I am confident and capable", to help you feel more self-assured.


Follow Up After the Meeting


Following up after the meeting can help you feel more confident and in control. Take some time to review the meeting notes, reflect on your performance, and identify areas for improvement. This will help you feel more prepared and confident for your next Zoom meeting.


Seek Feedback


Finally, seeking feedback from others can be a powerful tool for improving your confidence and performance during Zoom meetings. Ask your colleagues or supervisor for feedback on your performance, and be open to constructive criticism. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and work on developing your skills and abilities.


More Zoom Meetings Tips and Tricks for Speaking Confidently


In addition to the previous tips and tricks, you can use several more strategies to speak confidently during Zoom meetings. This section will explore ten more tips and tricks to help you become a more effective virtual communicator.


Use Nonverbal Communication


Nonverbal communication can be as important as verbal communication during Zoom meetings. Use hand gestures, facial expressions, and other nonverbal cues to help illustrate your points and convey your emotions. This can help you connect with your audience and build rapport during the meeting.


Use Humor


Use lighthearted jokes or anecdotes to break the ice and help your audience feel more comfortable. Using humour can also effectively connect with your audience and build rapport during a Zoom meeting. Just make sure to avoid offensive or inappropriate humour.


Use Active Listening


Active listening is a crucial skill for effective in-person and virtual communication. Listen actively to your audience during the Zoom meeting and respond appropriately to their questions and comments. This will help build trust and foster a more collaborative and productive meeting environment.


Use Mirroring Techniques


Mirroring techniques can also help you build rapport and connect with your audience during a Zoom meeting. Use similar body language and gestures to your audience to help build empathy and create a sense of familiarity. This can help establish a more comfortable and productive meeting environment.


Use Positive Reinforcement


Positive reinforcement can be a powerful tool for motivating and encouraging your audience during a Zoom meeting. Use positive language and affirmations to reinforce positive behaviours and outcomes. This can help create a more positive and productive meeting environment.


Use Visualization Techniques


Visualization techniques can also help build confidence and reduce anxiety during a Zoom meeting. Before the meeting starts, take a few minutes to visualize yourself speaking confidently and effectively. This can boost your confidence and prepare you for a successful meeting.


Use Mindfulness Techniques


Mindfulness techniques can also help reduce anxiety and stay focused during a Zoom meeting. Take a few deep breaths before the meeting starts, and use mindfulness techniques such as meditation or visualization to remain centred and present. This can help you feel more in control and confident during the meeting.


Use Power Poses


Power poses can also effectively boost your confidence and project authority during a Zoom meeting. Stand or sit confidently, upright, with your shoulders back and chest out. This can help you feel more powerful and in control and project confidence and authority to your audience.


Use Clear and Concise Language


Using clear and concise language is key to effective virtual communication. Avoid using complex jargon or technical terms, and instead, use simple, straightforward language that is easy for your audience to understand. This will help ensure that your message is conveyed effectively and that everything is clear and clear.


Use a Clear and Professional Background


Finally, a clear background can help you appear more polished and professional during a Zoom meeting. Choose a simple, clutter-free background free of distractions, and avoid any potentially offensive or inappropriate imagery. This will help you appear more professional and credible to your audience.


Speaking confidently during a Zoom meeting can be challenging, but with the right tips and tricks, you can improve your skills and feel more self-assured. By preparing in advance, dressing for success, using visual aids, engaging your audience, and avoiding distractions, you can project confidence and professionalism during your next virtual meeting. Remember to use positive self-talk, seek feedback, and follow up after the meeting to continue improving your skills and confidence.

© Presence Training

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text 2023-03-21 04:31
Public Speaking - The Importance of Gestures



Using gestures during your public speeches and presentations is a great idea. They add a layer of expression and meaning you can’t convey otherwise, making it easier for the audience to follow your message. The expression “talking with your hands” exists for a reason since gestures are an equally important part of the conversation, as they underline certain points we try to make or distract from others. 


Here’s what you can do to approach them in public speaking


Find a Neutral Place for Your Hands

If you’re using a lectern, you should grasp it on both sides. Standing in the middle of the podium, you should let your arms relax by your sides. You should do your best to avoid clasping your hands, crossing your arms for long periods, clasping your hands behind your back, gripping the bottom of a podium, rubbing your hands, tenting your hands, putting them in your pockets and so forth. Having your hands in a comfortable, neutral resting position will help make you appear confident and at ease, even when you feel otherwise.


Use Gestures to Create Pictures

The best way to make your hands and arms useful in a public speaking scenario is to use them to underline your points. Did you have a rise in profits or some statistics last year? Show that with your hand. Do you need to work together on a project with someone? Show that with a gesture. The best types of gestures that are most helpful in a scenario of this kind are the ones that depict something involving more than just the hands and the upper body, but they are away from the torso with the elbows bent and kept closed. Deliver your gestures with open hands, but avoid pointing fingers and balling your hands in a fist.



There is no specific rule about how little or how much you should use gestures. This is part of how public speaking generally works, and it depends on factors such as tone, audience, subject matter and your personal style of speaking. If you feel you’re putting too many gestures into your presentations, that’s entirely up to your preference.



This mostly comes into focus when you’re working your speech from a script. Public speaking uses gestures that need to appear natural, so you would do well to leave putting them in with a forced attempt at coming across as genuine. If you rehearsed it, things wouldn’t come across as spontaneous.


Identifiable Patterns

It would be best to avoid repetitive gestures since the audience will catch on and get distracted by your movements. Many speakers out there accordion their hands back and forth, pumping their hands to emphasise a point and other similar gestures. A few in a row won’t be too much, but overusing specific gestures will start distracting from the actual message.


Keep Your Hands Still When You Can

Instead of giving into repetitive motions or flailing of hands, keep your hands uninvolved in the conversation unless you need to emote at specific moments to underline a point. Hands need to be in a neutral place, so you won’t distract the audience when you’re not making a point. Your gestures need to underline words and specific sentences in your speech, as anything more would defeat the purpose of using gestures. If your hands move nonstop, you’re going too far.


©Presence Training



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text 2022-07-21 07:03
Here is How you Can be a Better Public Speaker



Some people tend to have a knack for public speaking when they are in front of a crowd or a microphone, giving a toast or a speech. Others tend to feel this existential dread whenever they’re in the same position, wanting nothing less than to run away screaming. Luckily, you don’t have to be the latter, but you can be the former with some help and experience. Let’s cover what you can do to make yourself a better public speaker:


Be OK With Feeling Nervous


Even the most socially savvy people out there tend to get the jitters from time to time. Feeling shy and nervous are completely normal feelings, not a personality trait hardwired into your psyche. We eventually face such feelings when we’re in situations that make us feel uncomfortable. 


Put the Audience First.


Remember, the point of giving a speech, toast or presentation is to communicate a message to your audience. A good speaker cares about their audience and wants to feel what they need and how they can help them with what they’re saying. This isn’t about you, but about them. You need to give yourself to your audience, meaning you can’t spend time being too self-conscious.


Be Prepared


It would be best if you took the time to figure out the ideal way to tailor your message to your audience. What optimal approach will keep their attention and resonate with their minds? It would help if you thought of a strong opener immediately catching their attention. Crafting a thoughtful conclusion will also help listeners remember the key points you talked about throughout your speech.


Preparing for less formal conversations, such as dinner parties with neighbours or a networking event at work, is different from preparing for a formal speech. Planning is still the way to go, however. Think about possible points you may want to make about a project at work before you meet with the audience; it should give you the confidence boost you need to stay calm and collected. Knowing a bit more about your party guests before you speak will make it much easier to land any conversations you’re engaged in.


Outline But Don’t Script


You’re speaking to your audience in the most direct way possible. If you can, you should outline what you plan on saying rather than writing out your speech word-for-word. This will allow you to feel more natural when you speak, letting your voice be your own and allowing for easier eye contact. Not reading your speech from a script will make you look and feel more authentic and natural, confident in your abilities. It shows that you know what you’re talking about by heart.


Practice. Practice. Practice.


Nobody enjoys repetition ad nauseam, but it is necessary if you want to become an excellent public speaker. This is most often the solution to solving the issue of nerves acting up. Practising your speech out loud will allow you to feel and hear how it comes out of your mouth. With the feedback of a friend, coworker or family member, you can get some much-needed perspective. It will take some patience, but in the end, you will be better off for it.


Learn to Listen.


Whether or not you’re talking one on one or in front of thousands of people, communication is a two-way activity. Both parties have to be engaged for things to be truly memorable. When you’re trying to engage your listeners in less formal settings, good communicators listen to what others say before answering questions and then add their spin on things.


©Presence Training


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text 2022-05-26 09:01
What Causes Fear of Public Speaking?



If you want to gain greater confidence and enjoyment of public speaking, then you need to find a way forward that reinforces your natural strengths and eliminates your weaknesses. The following tips will give you a hand in that:


Being Self-Conscious in Front of an Audience


This is one of the major reasons for performance anxiety. Speech coaches will constantly hear the phrase “I’m fine talking to smaller audiences, but when a large audience is facing me, I feel extreme anxiety.” There are ways to get around that - remember that people in the audience are the same ones you can talk to on an individual basis. You should also remember that you’re simply talking to them, not presenting and you’ll do just fine.


Fear of Appearing Nervous


If you think that you look afraid when you’re up there on the podium, then you should know a lot of speakers tend to feel that way. It’s something people believe, that when the audience sees you are feeling nervous, they will think you know nothing about the topic you’re presenting. The two are not linked at all, however. When you see a nervous speaker, people don’t necessarily judge their professionalism, but they tend to sympathise.


Concerned about Being Judged


The reality of the situation is that most people don’t care about you, they care about the subject you’re talking about during your speech. They are there to take something out of your presentation or lecture, so they want their time to be well-spent. The audience is hoping you will do a great job, so think of that as a way to motivate yourself.


Poor Preparation


If you have done a poor job at preparing for your speech, then there is no way you will succeed. You can blame nobody but yourself in that case since nothing undermines an audience’s confidence in you than coming on stage unprepared. Being ready will give you the confidence boost you need. The choice is yours to make.




This is one of the toughest things you’ll need to hear when it comes to staging anxiety. Indulging the extreme self-consciousness of some public speakers can be a bit of a narcissistic element. If you are completely focused on yourself, then you will have a hard time influencing others to hear you out. You will have to get in the mindset that your audience matters, not your ambitions.


Lack of Faith in Your Abilities


This is something most people worry about. It is also one of the easiest things to solve. If you feel dissatisfaction with your speaking skills, then that is an excellent motivator for you to change and improve. Get the speech training you need to get things going. Just knowing you have undergone training and improving your skills can give you the faith you need to succeed.


Discomfort in Your Own Body


It is possible you may feel at ease with your friends, but completely self-conscious and awkward when you face a large audience. If that is the case, you should consider approaching things like you’re having a conversation with them, to relax and ignore the perception of your body’s looks, gestures and so forth. Think about the way you act with confidence in a comfortable environment, remember that you have it in you to act the same way, no matter the environment.


Poor Breathing Habits


Unless you were trained as a singer or actor, you are probably blissfully unaware of your breathing patterns. Public speaking requires a lot more air than your regular breathing, and you also need to control your exhalation and pauses to sustain sound until the end of your speech. Diaphragmatic breathing is the way to make that happen, also great for calming your nerves.


©Presence Training


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