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review 2022-01-21 02:36
Dzienniki 1950-1962
Dzienniki 1950-1962 - Sylvia Plath,Paweł Stachura,Joanna Urban

Książka ta jest zbiorem dzienników poetki Sylvii Plath, będącym zapisem ostatnich dwunastu lat jej życia. Są to te istniejące dzienniki, gdyż - jak wiadomo - część z nich prawdopodobnie została zniszczona przez męża Sylvii - Teda Hughesa.


Zbiór obejmuje następujące dzienniki:


- lipiec 1950 - lipiec 1953

- 22 listopada 1955 - 18 kwietnia 1956

- 15 lipca 1956

- 22 lipca 1956 - 26 sierpnia 1956

- 3 stycznia 1957 - 11 marca 1957

- 15 lipca 1957 - 14 października 1957

- 28 sierpnia 1957 - 14 października 1958

- 12 grudnia 1958 - 15 listopada 1959


Każdy z powyższych jest kolejną częścią (dłuższą, bądź krótszą sekcją, podzieloną na kolejne dni). Książkę wieńczy piętnaście dodatków obejmujących różne lata od 1950 do 1962 roku. W wydaniu tym zawarto skany dzienników pisanych oryginalnie ręką Plath, fotografie poetki i jej rodziny, a także rysunki, które pojawiły się w oryginalnych dziennikach.


Sylvia Plath w swoich dziennikach z dużą dbałością o szczegóły, starannie i wnikliwie opisała otaczającą ją rzeczywistość. To nie tylko zapis jej codzienności, to także filozoficzne dywagacje i obserwacje dotyczące społeczeństwa, jej znajomych z kręgu poetyckiego, towarzyszących jej licznych emocji. To zapis tego jak postrzegała życie, śmierć, samotność, swoje małżeństwo. Wreszcie - zapis jej frustracji, które stopniowo, z każdym kolejnym rokiem pogłębiały jej depresję, co w końcu doprowadziło do tragedii


Jej zapiski można czytać na kilka sposobów. Albo jednym ciągiem "od deski do deski", albo chronologicznie "skacząc" to między treścią właściwą dzienników, to do dodatków, które zaczynają się od strony 607 (taki sposób ja wybrałam), albo wyrywkowo, nie trzymając się zupełnie chronologii, co jest najbardziej zasadne po zapoznaniu się z dziennikami przynajmniej jeden raz


Nie jest łatwo ocenić czyjeś dzienniki, czy pamiętniki. Cudze zapiski - tworzone właściwie nie dla nas, czytelników, lecz prywatnie - czy to wo formie wspomnień, czy listów ciężko się ocenia i najlepiej byłoby nie wystawiać jej żadnych ocen. Ja staram się jednak zawsze ocenić książkę w ramach "od do". Według mnie "Dzienniki 105-1962" zasługują na miano dobrych, czyta się je dobrze pod kątem stylu użytego przez Autorkę - pomijam fakt, iż paradoksalnie nie są łatwą lekturą przez wzgląd na poruszane niekiedy tematy. Aczkolwiek biorąc pod uwagę ich wartość merytoryczną, patrząc na to jak wiele możemy z nich wyłuskać informacji nie tylko o samej Sylvii Plath ale też p czasach, w których żyła; a także informacji o osobowości Autorki, jej charakterze, postrzeganiu świata, egzystencji z uwagi na to jak dużą kopalnią cytatów i wartościowych przemyśleń są jej zapiski podwyższam ocenę do miana bardzo dobrej.


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review 2021-11-10 12:08
Nawałnica mieczy: Krew i złoto
Nawałnica mieczy: Krew i złoto - George R.R. Martin,Michał Jakuszewski


Dalszy ciąg przygód bohaterów znanych z poprzednich części. Wydarzenia przedstawione w tym tomie obejmują te, które fanom serialu znane są z czwartego sezonu.

Nie chcę wiele zdradzać szczegółów z fabuły, dlatego jedynie napiszę, że wiele się dzieje. Z niektórymi postaciami przyjdzie nam się pożegnać, z innymi będziemy bawić się na weselach. Jeszcze inni będą walczyć zaciekle w bitwach.

Tom trzyma poziom poprzednich. Jest dobry, mimo, że długo go czytałam. Zastój spowodowały fragmenty około połowy tomu. Od drugiej połowy aż do końca czytałam z zainteresowaniem nawet większym niż na początku.


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text 2021-06-03 13:03
Ways Microsoft Office 2016 Could Improve Your Productivity

Microsoft launched Office 2016 to the general public on September 22, 2015. At first look, there may not appear to be many differences between Office 2013 and Office 2016. However, if you dig a little deeper, you'll discover several interesting and productivity-boosting changes.

Cloud computing has been offered to us for years, and Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus is attempting to deliver on those expectations. It's built to satisfy our aspirations for cloud-based, mobile-ready office apps. Only time can tell if Office 2016 lives up to the hype, but early evaluations are positive.

Here are ten features of Microsoft Office 2016, which aims to be the last productivity package you'll ever need.

1: Co-Authorship In Real Time

Co-authoring has been available in many Office products for a long time, but now with Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus, it is now possible to collaborate in real time. That implies it will be simple to see what your collaborators are working on in a Text file or PowerPoint presentations as they work on it, and they'll be able to see what you're working on as well. It makes no difference where you would be or what device you use.

2: Sharing Onenote Notebooks

OneNote is amongst the most helpful Microsoft Office products in Office 2019 Professional Plus, but it is also one of the most underappreciated. You can share an OneNote notebook with just as many individuals as you desire with Office 2016. OneNote may be a terrific central source for a group working on a project since it works with text, photos, worksheets, mails, and every other document type you can conceive of. That is, assuming they are aware of how to use it.

3: Document Sharing Becomes Easier

By introducing an App icon to the top corner of your Office programs, Office 2019 Professional Plus makes document sharing easier. By clicking that button, you'll be able to share your work with anybody in your contact list with a single click. You don't even need to leave the document to accomplish this. That appears to be a rather straightforward procedure.

4: Ingenious Attachments

If you're anything like me, you need to send email attachments on a daily basis. Introducing attachments to an email in prior versions of Office needed you to browse to the document's destination. In Office 2016, you can do that now, but if the file in issue was recently created, it will now appear in a list of shared documents immediately in Outlook. In essence, Office 2016 stores a global list of recently worked on items for you.

5: Outlook's Clutter

You undoubtedly get a lot of email each day, just like the rest of us. It takes time to go through your Outlook mailbox and evaluate each email, which reduces your productivity. Clutter is a new type in the inbox triage toolkit in Office 2016. You can mark specific emails as of lesser importance, and they, along with future comparable emails, will be automatically deposited in Outlook's Clutter folder. As a result, you now have four email categories: important, clutter, rubbish, and delete.

6: A More Complete Version History

Collaboration and creation may be a clumsy process, with shared papers frequently altering. Office 2016 remedies for possibly lost ideas by storing previous word documents in the History area of the File menu, which may be accessed immediately from Office programs.

7: Excel's New Chart Options

The capability to show data with an Excel graph has traditionally been a useful and valuable feature. The list of accessible chart types in prior versions of Excel, on the other hand, needs to be updated. Waterfall is a fantastic chart if you want to watch the financial markets, and Office 2016 adds numerous new chart kinds to the designs list.-

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text 2021-04-30 18:55
For Entrepreneurs, Microsoft Office 2019

Have you updated to the Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus? You can if you're a business owner. Why is that? Since Microsoft created it with entrepreneurs in mind.

Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus includes modified models of Publisher 2019, Access 2019, and Visio 2019, as well as common tools like Word,  PowerPoint, Outlook, and Excel.

Many people use Microsoft Office 365, a cloud-based subscription plan. Office 2019 is, however, special. You pay a one-time fee and have access to all of the resources for the rest of your life.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Office 2019 For Entrepreneurs?

It is ideal for business owners who do not want to use a cloud-based solution. It arrives with volume licensing, so that you can install it on as many machines as you want. You could also use the Office 2019 apps on all of your smart phones to get access to the basic features.

Microsoft Office 2019 supports both computers running Windows 10 or the three latest models of macOS. It is compatible with macOS Sierra (10.12), Mojave (10.14), and High Sierra (10.15). (10.13). If you are either using Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 (hopefully not), you will need to buy an Office 365 account to use Office 2019.

Word Has the Power To Speak To You

Word has a new design that is black in color. It does, however, have all of the functionality you are used to. In addition, Word in Office 2019 includes learning resources, a new text-to-speech function, and customizable sounds.

The Powerpoint Presentation Has Been Enhanced

Morph enhances the presentations with improved animation and motion. You can create seamless flow from one slide to the next using the Morph transition. To give slides the appearance of movement, use the Morph transformation. You can do this with document, shapes, maps, images, WordArt, and SmartArt graphics, among other items.

Zoom allows you to present in a more interactive manner. You can skip to and from separate slides, pages, and parts of your layout when you make a Zoom. You should do it in whatever order you like when giving your presentation. Make use of Summary Zoom. It is similar to a page where you can display different parts of your presentation at the same time. You can also be imaginative, skip ahead, or replay sections of your slide show without changing the structure with Zoom.

Another fantastic new update in PowerPoint is Surface Pen Slide Navigation. To progress through the slideshow in your presentation, use your Surface Pen. It can pass through slides remotely from a distance of up to 30 feet. To progress a slide, tap and hold the eraser button, and to go back one slide, press and hold the eraser button. It is simple to use and can make a dramatic impact in your presentations.

Onenote Has Some New Features

Microsoft Office 2016 Professional Plus is a completely new release. It can take the place of OneNote 2016. (the 2016 version is still available and supported until 2025). Ink-to-text support has been added to OneNote. This implies you can type your written documents into a text document.

Files Are Simple To Share

The sharing button in Office 2019 is now located in the upper right section of your desktop. It is a lot easier to share now.

Attachments That Are More Intelligent

If the file you are about to share has recently been revised, the latest version will appear when you press the share button in Outlook in Office 2019.


Document retrieval has never been simpler. Delve makes it much easier to get to all of the data stored. It will display all of the documents you have produced or shared with others.

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text 2021-04-30 18:51
What You Should Know About Office 2019 Features

If you've been waiting for Office 2016 Professional Plus to be out, your wait is finally over. In this brand new edition of the program, Microsoft has crammed a slew of desirable features. Continue reading to learn about the updates that will be included in your preferred Office Software.

What Is The Difference Between Office 2019 And Office 365 And Microsoft 365?

Many of the functionality used in Office 2019 were actually included in Office 365, causing some consumer confusion: What is the distinction among Office 2019 and Office 365? What is Microsoft 365, and how does it differ from other similar services?

The key distinction is that Office 2019 is a one-time purchase that does not include any feature upgrades when you get your Office 2019 Product Key. Standard security and quality updates will continue to be provided, but no new tools or features will be introduced. To use Office 2019, you'll need to have Windows 10 installed on your computer.

Most of the other features we can anticipate in Office 2019 are possibly already available through Microsoft 365. However, for those who aren't prepared to migrate to the cloud, this ongoing software upgrade is a good way to get access to advanced tools and features.

Office 2019 Has A Range Of New Features.

Here are a few additional features in Office 2019 that will appeal to both new and experienced users:

  • Features For Advanced Presentation

While PowerPoint remains one of the best powerful and widely used presentation tools, many others consider it to be outdated, particularly now that more tech-savvy alternatives such are available.

Microsoft has confirmed plans to add more innovative presentation functionality to Office 2019 Mac In order to remain relevant. Improved Morph and Zoom features, for example, will assist you in creating a more complex and interactive presentation.

  • Data Analysis With More Resources

Excel continues to rule supreme when it relates to data processing and analysis. In the 2019 edition of Office, the company expects to take it up a notch.

Users should anticipate new algorithms, new maps (such as pyramid charts and 2D maps), the option to post from Excel to Power BI (Microsoft's own data science service), and updates to Power Pivot and PowerQuery.

If Excel is your overwhelming preference of the Office Software, the upcoming 2019 features are likely to make you do a happy dance.

  • New Features For Inking

Many that use Microsoft Surface devices are likely already major fans of the digital pen, which allows them to sketch, note, and doodle right on the screen of their tablet.

Pressure tolerance, tilt results that change the ink thickness based on the direction of the pen, and even a wandering pencil case will be available in Office 2019.

  • Email Management Is A Lot Easier

Eventually, if you prefer Outlook, you ought not be left out in the cold when Office 2019 comes out. Microsoft has teased a number of new features aimed at easing the burden of email management.

  • Prepare For Office 2019 By Reading The Following Papers

With Office 2019, there's a lot to look forward to, including a slew of new (and, in several cases, much requested) features.

Do you want to learn more about Microsoft Office and how to use it to your advantage? Take a look at all of our Microsoft Office training options.


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