June was way better than May, but even so, I am still way behind my reading challenge.
The fact that I feel tired all the time, and would rather sleep than read isn't helping.

As always I keep turning for fairy tale retellings:
Mcguire, Sarah, Valiant - This was my favourite book in 2015, and it was still a five star read this year. I just love it. (hardback edition) 5 Stars. Re-Read.
Goss, Theodora, Red As Blood And White As Bone, Tor novellas
I liked it, but I didn't even took the trouble of writing a review. I gave it three stars, but honestly I remember so little about the second half of it, that maybe I should just remove a star.
Howard, Kat, Roses and Rot, Saga - 2 Stars
A story for which I had many expectations, but unfortunately I just couldn't connect with it.
Mcguire, Seanan, Heaps of Pearls( October Daye 9.1)- 3.5 Stars Short-Story
A most appreciated short, it would have gotten a higher rating if it had been longer...
Lee, Caroline, Ella: An Everland Ever After - 3 Stars
Another retelling, this with a very different setting: the wild west. I liked how real the characters felt. Especially the hero, a former soldier who lost a leg in the war.
Mayberry, Sarah, Make Believe Wedding - 3.5 Stars
This was a very nice surprise. I loved reading it.
Thomas, Sherry, Not Quite a Husband- 5 Stars
Another pleasant surprise: although I am not a stranger to Sherry Thomas historical romances, there use to be something about them ( the guy's hold to rancour) that makes me not love them completely.
The romance, the characters, the whole thing was so heartfelt, that I pretty much read it all in one day.
Mckillip, Patricia A, The Snow Queen - 3.5 Stars
A Snow Queen retelling that takes place in modern day life.
Lee, Carolina, Little Red: Everland Ever After- 1 Star- DNF
Unlike what happened with Ella, I just couldn't enjoy this story. The whole thing rubbed me the wrong way.
Logan, Kirsty; The GraceKeepers- 2 Star
Another book that I only finished because I didn't want to add another to the DNF pile.
It wanted to be magical realism. For me it didn't got close.
5 Retellings: _ 1 Full Lenght Book; 3 Novellas, 1 Short Story
1 Historical Romance- Not Quite a Husband
1 contemporary Romance: Make Believe Wedding
2 Messes -The GraceKeepers and Roses and Rot
2 Short Stories: The Snow Queen and Heaps of Pearls