I received a free ARC of this book that I willing read and reviewed.
I am going to get straight to it. I did enjoy this book, the intrigue kept me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out the how, who and why's. I was fascinated with all the future technology and the thoughts that those things may one day become reality and how awesome that would be. Our lead character Dhata, however, was definitely lacking a little something, this was thankfully made up for by Lur's insight and fresh eyes. Personally at first I didn't like Dhata, even though he is crucial to the story he was a little depressing for me. As the adventure went on I started to think things wouldn't change and we would be stuck running around in circles with him. Thankfully with Lur's appearance you could see things were starting to turn around and the whole mess he has gotten himself into started to clear up. The only thing that is really nagging me about this adventure now is Lur's unfinished business, I can hardly believe that this is it and that's it. I look forward to hopefully seeing how that pans out