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text 2015-12-30 14:00
Sock Poppet Read-by-the-Month Challenge ~ December Prompts
False Future - Dan Krokos
False Sight (A False Memory Novel) - Dan Krokos
The Prometheus Project (Book 3): Stranded - Douglas E. Richards

Is It Really the End?


This month I read a book for prompts 1, 2 and 3.


1 ~ where the world seems to be coming to an end.


False Future by Dan Krokos


2 ~ about the end of something (i.e. relationship, job).


False Sight by Dan Krokos


3 ~ that is the end of a series.


Prometheus Project: Stranded by Douglas E. Richards


4 ~ that was the last one written by the author.


I didn't read a book that was the last written by an author, but the first book in the False Memory series by Dan Krokos should have been the last he wrote in that series (though he'd have to have figured out a way to end it there). 


I rated that series:


Book 1 ~ 4*

Book 2 ~ 3*

Book 3 ~ 2*


Not the way I want a series to go, for sure!

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text 2015-11-30 14:00
Sock Poppet's 2015 Read-By-the-Month Reading Challenge ~ November Prompts
The Mysterious Benedict Society - Carson Ellis,Trenton Lee Stewart
Crime and Punishment (Penguin Classics) - Fyodor Dostoyevsky,David McDuff
A Gentleman's Deception - Martha Kirkland

November ~ Thanks a Lot! No, I Mean It!


This month I read a book for prompts 2, 3 and 4.


2 ~ where you are thankful you are not the characters.


The Mysterious Benedict Society / Trenton Lee Stewart ~ 11.5.15


3 ~ you are thankful you read.


Crime and Punishment / Fyodor Dostoyevsky ~ 11/7/15


4 ~ where characters are thankful for something.


A Gentleman's Deception / Martha Kirkland ~ 11/20/15 


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text 2015-11-29 21:20
Sock Poppet's 2015 Read-By-the-Month Reading Challenge ~ November Reads

This month's prompt:


November ~ Thanks a Lot! No, I Mean It!


This month you will read a book:

1 ~ where characters endure something they are not thankful for.

2 ~ where you are thankful you are not the characters.

3 ~ you are thankful you read.

4 ~ where characters are thankful for something.


Ok, so here go my books for November:

1 ~ where characters endure something they are not thankful for.

This describes most of my books:

The Mirror Cracked from Side to Side (Agatha Christie) - I would spoil the book if I described what the characters aren't thankful for but it does motivate the plot.

Trumpet (Jackie Kay) - was a phenomenal book about grief and people coming to terms with loss. One of the main characters is a rather selfish young man who in the course of the book has to examine his life - his anger towards his parents is expressed mostly in ingratitude.

2 ~ where you are thankful you are not the characters.

Again, so many books would fit but I'm going to have to go with

Out of Africa (Isak Dinesen/Karen Blixen) - simply because I cannot stand her.

3 ~ you are thankful you read.

Pretty much all books - again, but this month in particular

Trumpet (Jackie Kay)
Cha-Ching! (Ali Liebegott) - she writes the most humane characters. I love hanging out with them even if they all have their failings.

Public Libraries and other Stories (Ali Smith) - Smith pulled it off again in her latest book. There is one story in particular that threw me - it's where she describes a friend of hers who died of an illness as a valuable painting that has been stolen by art thieves. It is brilliant, moving, and totally out there (again, like most of her work).

(The short story is available for free here, btw: http://www.newstatesman.com/culture/fiction/2015/10/and-so-new-story-ali-smith)

4 ~ where characters are thankful for something.

Public Libraries and other Stories (Ali Smith) - see above, but what better way to pay tribute and be thankful for having known someone than to compare them to a work of art?

Run (Ann Patchett) - In an understated way, all the characters are thankful for who they are and what opportunities they have.

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text 2015-11-27 14:00
Sock Poppet's 2015 Read-By-the-Month Reading Challenge ~ December Prompts
December ~ Is It Really the End?


This month you will read a book:


1 ~ where the world seems to be coming to an end.


2 ~ about the end of something (i.e. relationship, job).


3 ~ that is the end of a series.


4 ~ that was the last one written by the author.



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text 2015-10-30 14:00
Sock Poppet's 2015 Read-By-the-Month Reading Challenge ~ October
The Honorable Thief - Martha Kirkland
The Orphan of the Rhine (Jane Austen Northanger Abbey Horrid Novels) - Eleanor Sleath,Ellen Moody
October ~ Just For The Thrill Of It
I read a book for prompts:
1 ~ with characters disguised in some way.
Honorable Thief / Martha Kirkland ~ 10/8/15
(She pretended to be his wife; he pretended to believe they were married.)
3 ~ with characters who are scared or scaring someone else.
Orphan of the Rhine / Eleanor Sleath ~ 10/8/15
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