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Search tags: read-paper-and-hardback-books
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review 2016-03-17 00:04
love it
The Sea Hunters( True Adventures with Famous Shipwrecks)[SEA HUNTERS][Mass Market Paperback] - CliveCussler

A steamboat goes up in flames . . . and down to the bottom of the sea. A locomotive plunges into a creek . . . and vanishes into mystery. A German U-boat sends an American troop transport, and eight hundred on board, to a watery grave . . . on Christmas Eve.

Clive Cussler and his crack team of NUMA (National Underwater Marine Agency, a nonprofit organization that searches for historic shipwrecks) volunteers have found the remains of these and numerous other tragic wrecks. Here are the dramatic, true accounts of twelve of the most remarkable underwater discoveries made by Cussler and his team. As suspenseful and satisfying as Cussler’s renowned Dirk Pitt novels, The Sea Hunters is a unique story of true commitment and courage

my rating: five out of five
Goodreads Group challenge : 2016 Around The Year In 52 Books:
36: was An identity book - a book about a different culture, religion or sexual orientation but I used my .( Wild Card):A book you started but never finished

What did I think of it :
I know going in that I would love it because its Clive Cussler and his one of my 2 all time favorite authors to read, fist I want to say that it normally doesn't take me this long to read his books but when I started this on the 10th of this month I had just picked up a new book and couldn't wait to read that one, but this one is and was an DNF because I started a few years ago and it was DNF because I ended up getting sick, anyway I'm so glad that I picked it up and restarted it and finished it, because liked I said before I loved it, there was so much history in it where it was about ships, lost locomtive, and U-Boats that for some reason they just vanished from the face of the Earth, loved how Mr.Cussler's written always pulls me into his books, and its the same with one, love how there was black and white photos and drawings as well as maps though out the book, its a must read for anyone who loves history as much as I do

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review 2016-03-12 23:22
81 Days Below Zero: The Incredible Survival Story of a World War II Pilot in Alaska's Frozen Wilderness - Brian Murphy

Shortly before Christmas in 1943, five Army aviators left Alaska’s Ladd Field on a routine flight to test their hastily retrofitted B-24 Liberator in harsh winter conditions. The mission ended in a crash that claimed all but one—Leon Crane, a city kid from Philadelphia with no wilderness experience. With little more than a parachute for cover and an old Boy Scout knife in his pocket, Crane now found himself alone in subzero temperatures. Crane knew, as did the Ladd Field crews who searched unsuccessfully for the crash site, that his chance of survival dropped swiftly with each passing day.

But Crane did find a way to stay alive in the grip of the Yukon winter for nearly twelve weeks and, amazingly, walked out of the ordeal intact.

81 Days Below Zero recounts, for the first time, the full story of Crane’s remarkable saga. In a drama of staggering resolve and moments of phenomenal luck, Crane learned to survive in the Yukon’s unforgiving wilds. His is a tale of the capacity to endure extreme conditions, intense loneliness, and flashes of raw terror—and emerge stronger than before

my rating :5 out of 5 stars
what did I think of it:
OMG I just finished and I loved it, it was better than I that it was going to be, loved how there was so much history in it not only about the crew of the B-24 but also about their family, and the people who worked with them as will as the history of about the people and place that are mentioned, so much history that I didn't even know about, as I was reading all I could think was how the family and friends must had felt when they found out that the B-24 had went down, and what Mr. Crane must of felt trying to get back to Ladd Field, and the black and white phots , they just bring it to real life even more, this is a must read, I can't even put how I feel in words right now.

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review 2016-03-09 15:58
The Skin Collector (Lincoln Rhyme) by Deaver, Jeffery (2014) Hardcover - Jeffery Deaver

The killer's methods are terrifying. He stalks the basements and underground passageways of New York City. He tattoos his victims' flesh with cryptic messages, using a tattoo gun loaded with poison, resulting in an agonizing, painful death.

When a connection is made to the Bone Collector-the serial killer who terrorized New York more than a decade ago-Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs are immediately drawn into the case.

Rhyme, Sachs, and the NYPD must race against time to answer the many questions the investigation uncovers: Whom will the killer attack next? What is the message behind the victims' tattoos? Does the killer's own inking--a fanged centipede sporting a woman's face--hold any significance? And what is his ultimate mission?

As time runs out, Rhyme discovers that the past has returned to haunt him in the most troubling way imaginable
my rating: 5 stars
Goodreads challenge:
2016 Choose Your Own Challenge
A book a family member got you

what did I think of it:
surprised me that the main character was and is a quadriplegic, there's nothing wrong with at ,it's just I've never read a book with the main character like that before and I've never pick up any of this series until now, which is why it kind of surprised me, but I have to say that still like Lincoln's character, love how he never let's anything stop him from doing what he loves . loved how the story was writing and that it kept me pulled in to it, loved how you think one thing was happing and then something else comes along. will be picking up more of this series.

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review 2016-03-08 10:06
OMG it remind me of that game called clue
And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie

Ten . . ."
Ten strangers are lured to an isolated island mansion off the Devon coast by a mysterious "U.N. Owen."

"Nine . . ."
At dinner a recorded message accuses each of them in turn of having a guilty secret, and by the end of the night one of the guests is dead.

"Eight . . ."
Stranded by a violent storm, and haunted by a nursery rhyme counting down one by one . . . one by one they begin to die.

"Seven . . ."
Who among them is the killer and will any of them survive?

my rating : 5 stars
Goodread challenge:
#AYearAThon monthly Book Read
what did I think of it:
OMG it kept me guessing though out the book, every time I thought I had it down to the person who done it, they turned up been the next one dead, it remind me some much of the game called Clue - where you guess who done it, with what was use, where it was done, and why . and the end it total took me by surprise, in fact this one just makes me want to pick more of her books up and read them.

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review 2016-03-03 10:34
Murder On The Orient Express - Agatha Christie

I loved it, it's actually the second time I've read one of her books so glad that I picked it up, it kept me entertained and guessing though out the entire book, can't wait to read more of this series, as for the main character I actually love him, there's just something about him that makes you love and like his character, even though I did think that he was a bit rude,I still grew to love him.

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