"Customer reviews on Amazon do not have the imprimatur of authority some folks might wish. They are nothing more than the opinions of readers who think enough about the reading experience to leave some feedback for other readers. To the extent that they are written with the intent of misleading customers, that is fraudulent. That’s not what the people I call “friends” do. It’s not what I do."
* Original blog post edited to remove itals & put into blockquote.
"Customer reviews on Amazon do not have the imprimatur of authority some folks might wish. They are nothing more than the opinions of readers who think enough about the reading experience to leave some feedback for other readers. To the extent that they are written with the intent of misleading customers, that is fraudulent. That’s not what the people I call “friends” do. It’s not what I do."
(Pete Morin, 21 June 2012)
I always think it is neat when stuff like this turns up. ^_^
Thanks for spreading the word about my freebie (locatedHEREcoughcoughcough).