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text 2023-05-10 07:58
Innovative Approaches To Osteoarthritis Pain Treatment: What You Need To Know?

Osteoarthritis, also referred to as degenerative joint disease (DJD), is a condition that causes the degradation of the cartilage and bone tissue that protects the joints. Osteoarthritis affects the joints of the legs, hips, hands and spine. The symptoms can vary from mild pain to severe disability.

Types of Osteoarthritis Pain Management Methods

There are many types of osteoarthritis pain treatment management methods. These can be non-pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical, complementary and alternative medicine, physical therapy and surgery.

Joint mobilization (range of motion exercises) that help with stiffness and improve blood flow to the joints. It also helps to increase flexibility in your joints so they aren't as stiff or painful when you move them around. This kind of exercise is helpful because it improves your overall strength while decreasing inflammation in your body which leads to less pain in your joints overall!

osteoarthritis pain treatment

Osteoarthritis Symptoms

  • Pain in the joints. This can occur at night when you lie down and as you get up in the morning, or throughout the day. The pain will be worse with activity, such as walking or doing household chores. You may feel better after rest but then have more difficulty moving again after a few minutes of rest.
  • Swelling in the joints that doesn't go away within 24 hours (edema). Edema is most common around large weight-bearing joints such as your knees and ankles but can also occur in smaller joints such as those near fingers or toes. Stiffness in your neck, shoulders, hips and lower back that makes it hard for you to move freely. Warmth felt by others when they touch parts of your body affected by osteoarthritis.

There are many ways to treat osteoarthritis pain

There are many ways to treat osteoarthritis pain. You may be able to manage your symptoms with medication and physical therapy, but if your pain is severe or doesn't respond to these methods, surgery may be an option. If you're serious about relieving your osteoarthritis pain, consider lifestyle changes like exercise and weight loss as well.

  • Medication: Medications can help reduce inflammation in the joints and make them feel better temporarily (though they don't have any effect on long-term progression). They include over-the-counter NSAIDs such as ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen sodium (Aleve), which are available without a prescription; steroid injections into inflamed areas; oral corticosteroids like prednisone; etcetera.
  • Physical therapy: Physical therapists will teach you exercises that strengthen muscles around affected joints in order to improve mobility without straining joints further or causing more damage . They'll also recommend modifications for everyday activities such as walking up stairs so they're easier to do without aggravating existing problems.


In conclusion, osteoarthritis is a painful disease that can affect your quality of life. If you are experiencing symptoms of this condition, it's important to see your doctor for diagnosis and osteoarthritis pain treatment options. 

There are many different types of treatments available for managing pain from osteoarthritis such as medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), physical therapy exercises (hydrotherapy), acupuncture therapy (acupressure) or alternative medicine therapies like chiropractic care which may help relieve some symptoms related to stiffness in joints or muscles due to overuse injuries sustained during exercise activities such as running on hard surfaces indoors.


Source From : Innovative Approaches To Osteoarthritis Pain Treatment: What You Need To Know?

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text 2022-12-28 05:08
Using Acupuncture for Stress Relief Treatment



Stress triggers your body to produce hormones that allow you to handle it. Still, prolonged production of these hormones can have detrimental effects on the body, leading to symptoms like headaches, depression, insomnia, high blood pressure, palpitations, and even an increased risk of a heart attack. It may cause your liver to produce too much glucose, leading to weight gain and an increased risk of diabetes. It may lead to digestive issues, heartburn, backaches, infertility, libido problems, and decreased immune system efficiency, you name it.


What Can You Do?


You should care about what stress does to your body. Certain changes in lifestyle and avoiding stressors may be of great help, but you will need to look at things from an entirely new perspective to achieve a measure of success:




Stress will often lead us to eat a terrible diet in greater quantities than we would normally, and they will often be foods that affect our mood. This leads us into a downward spiral of abusing food such as sweets and carbs, leading to weight gain, or maybe we’d starve ourselves due to how stressed we feel. This is a great place to start the changes. Try to shop outside your usual grocery store, don’t go to the aisles, but look for fresh food you can enjoy. Turn to vegetables and fruits, lean meats and a balanced diet to serve your needs.




Exercise is an essential step toward dealing with stress. It will help your body flush your stress hormones, producing endorphins instead, replacing them and improving your mood. Many exercises allow you to find relaxation, such as tai chi, yoga and qigong. The exercises must be tailored to your individual needs and will differ at every stage of your life. They are great for anyone on many levels, so you can explore them at any stage, even when you grow older.




Some people lack the patience for meditation, but it can benefit you if you try it out and bear with it. Although we focus on active exercises, some self-reflection and relaxation in a meditative state can help a great deal regarding stress. The brain changes as a result of your meditation practices; it helps you relax and wind down from the stresses of life, providing you with a solid foundation for dealing with stress in general. Many people take antidepressants for help, but you don’t need them in most cases. Meditation can help your brain’s ability to learn and memorise; it improves your attention and concentration, reduces anxiety and may even help with addiction. 

How Acupuncture Helps You Deal With Stress


Acupuncture is proven to reduce stress hormone levels in the body, but it also helps the brain release endorphins. It improves circulation in your body, cycling out stress hormones and oxygenating your tissues. As a result, your heart rate will decrease, your blood pressure will lower, and your muscles will relax after a session. In many cases, patients may even fall asleep on the table, waking up without realising where they are. Your body is truly healing only when you’re at rest. The reason acupuncture works so well is that it allows the body to enter a deeply restful state, reducing stress hormones and improving the body’s natural healing abilities, putting the patient in a state that helps recovery. You will find yourself completely relaxed and refreshed after a session.


©The Acupuncturists Ltd


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text 2022-07-06 07:03
7 IBS Relief Tips that Everyone can Follow


Unlike many other health issues, those struggling with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) usually don’t experience relief from a single medication. And while some medications can reduce the discomfort, there is also the fact that there are some better strategies to employ instead which can work better. 

If you are someone who has had issues with IBS, then you should read on for some expert advice on ways to counter the symptoms: 

  • Heat is good – a heating pad or a bottle full of hot water is equally advantageous in such a situation. Applying heat to your stomach when you are having an IBS flare-up is a great way to reduce the severity of the pain and discomfort you feel. It is a good idea to place one or two layers of clothing between the pad/bottle and your skin to prevent any burn. Warmth has a nice psychological effect on pain relief. 

  • Create a food diary – sometimes you eat a certain type of food, and you feel fine. Some other time you eat the same food, it spikes up your pain, leaving you to wonder why. One way to keep track of your symptoms is to create a food diary. You can list what you are eating, whether you feel any pain and what circumstances there are when your IBS symptoms flare-up. Note what foods you eat and factors like stress, sleep, whether you are on your period, etc. 

  • Take a sip of soothing tea – another way to ease the symptoms of IBS is to take a glass of relaxing tea. Herbal teas are a great way to help with pain and discomfort. Peppermint, anise and fennel teas are excellent, with many people reporting feeling better after drinking some because it has a soothing effect on the digestive tract. 

  • Find out what you should and should not eat – food is a significant contributor to the problem that is IBS. And you should find out what food triggers your symptoms to avoid it. An elimination diet is a good way of achieving this goal. It means avoiding certain foods for several weeks to assess your condition in the meantime. After that, you add one food at a time to see which of these foods can be a trigger. Once again, keeping a list of foods that trigger symptoms is highly recommended. 

  • Increase fibre intake – fibre will not necessarily make IBS symptoms worse, according to the doctor. This is especially the case with dietary fibre in vegetables, fruit and grain. These foods are pretty essential to your digestive health. Ensure you eat more soluble fibre, such as peas, apples, beans, citrus fruit and oats. Some people experience issues with bran, so be careful with that. And remember to increase your fibre intake to see how you feel slowly. 

  • Change your eating habits – changing your eating habits could also prove helpful in improving your diet. For example, you should create a regular eating schedule and stick to it. Make sure you eat slowly and chew your food well. It is better to go with smaller meals, compared to overindulging. 

  • Relaxation techniques work well – another thing to try is to reduce stress with some relaxation techniques. Meditation and mindfulness are great examples of practices you can get into the habit of dealing with daily stress and the issues of IBS. 

Knowing how to deal with IBS is very important on many levels. With the tips above, you can better control and reduce your symptoms. 

© 360 Health Clinic

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text 2020-09-04 12:55
Benefits of Donating to a Charity Organization

If you are reading this article, we are certain that you were born in a family that had all the resources to help you grow into a responsible human being. But numerous people around the world do not have access to basic resources such as running water or health services. And you can make a small contribution from your end to help those people get the basic needs. Now, you don’t have to come up with a revolutionary idea to bring change in their lives. Instead, you can either donate or volunteer at a charity organization. But make sure that the cause you choose to support resonates with you. For example, if you want to help an orphan child, make sure to donate at orphanage charity organizations that will help these unfortunate kids get the needed resources. For more details, visit here.


Now, you might be wondering how donating to a charity will benefit you. And we completely understand this question considering human beings instinctively try to find an advantage in every action. Well, here are a few benefits that you can get from charity donation. 

· Make Your Values Stronger: When you give to a charity, it will help you build up and strengthen your values. Since you have this privilege of enhancing someone else’s life, you must utilize it and live an ethical life. 

· Feel Good: You might have always heard that helping or giving others always makes you feel good. So, if you want to increase your happiness, make sure to donate or volunteer at a charity organization. 

· Encourage Family and Friends: This will help you encourage your family and friends to do some good. 

Mehdi Bousfiha Foundation is one of the leading charity organizations that you can donate to and reap the aforementioned benefits. The foundation is on a clear mission to help orphan children in Morocco get all the resources for a better and healthy life. The organization provides child sponsorship programs where you can sponsor a child and help him/her have a life full of crucial resources needed for the development. Apart from this, Mehdi Bousfiha Foundation also works for environmental sustainability, women empowerment, pandemic relief and health and fitness. So, don’t wait up! Click here to start donating to Mehdi Bousfiha Foundation and help a child now. 

About Mehdi Bousfiha Foundation

Mehdi Bousfiha Foundation is one of the prominent orphan organizations that helps Moroccan orphan kids get a better life and resources. 

For more information, visit https://www.mehdibousfihafoundation.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/2DslcMQ

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