‘I’ve got a funny sort of notion,’ Fox said, ‘and mind, it’s only a notion so far, that the whole thing will turn out to hang on that fish.’
‘And I’ve got a funny sort of notion you’re right.’
I got side-tracked yesterday, which is fine by me because I get to enjoy this story for longer. I really like it. I have no idea where this is going, but I like that aspect, too.
Btw, I got side-tracked by the realisation that I do not own an egg cup, and that I would really like an egg cup for weekend brunches. So, I made some egg cups.
This description of what happens between couples matches well with my own experience but I can't recall having seen it expressed in this way elsewhere.
Sometimes there exists in people who are attracted to each other a kind of ratio between the degree of attraction and the potential for irritation. Strangely, it is often the unhappiness of one that arouses an equal degree of irascibility in the other. The tear-blotted face, the obstinate misery, the knowledge that this distress is genuine and the feeling of incompetence it induces, all combine to exasperate and inflame.
Marsh must have been a very interesting woman to meet, I think.
I'm going to leave some guesses here. I don't often guess but Marsh has me intrigued so here goes:
I think the colonel was hit by a golfball. I think it was accidental and I think it was his wife, Kitty, who hit the ball. I think this knocked him unconscious but didn't kill him.
I'm not sure who made the next hit. My guess was that it was the idiot George Lacklander, mistaking the man for dead and trying to disguise the cause. He may also have wanted leverage over Kitty.
I think there were two fish and that the cat carried away the fish the colonel caught.
I don't know how the old un got to be beside the colonel. It could be that Phinn put it there once he'd read the note the Colonel left for him and returned to look for him but I can't figure out why.