February brought grim winter weather and some solid novel reading, helped along by slow times at work. I was also ill for a week and didn't get much of anything done, so progress on my bigger reads stalled. Adorno and Le Guin are still stuck in my Currently Reading queue, there's some reviews I need to catch up on, but overall I'm quite happy with my first full month on BookLikes.
4.5 star reads:
Saleem Haddad: Guapa
Corinne Duyvis: On the Edge of Gone
4 star reads:
Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
2.5 star reads:
Cynthia Kuhn: The Semester of Our Discontent
Looks like 2.5 stars are my go-to rating when I didn't quite enjoy a book but didn't hate it either. And I need to write more reviews of novels I do enjoy!