From Sanctum with Love - Lexi Blake
3.5 Stars!
Nothing excites me more then a new Master & Mercenaries book by Lexi Blake.
I've been waiting for a book about that dirty sadist Kai for awhile now, because lord knows I LOVE a good sadist and Kai has always been an intriguing character. Plus it's always great to catch up with the gang from M&M.
SO, why only 3.5 stars you ask?
This book was busy, like really busy. With Kai's brothers serial murder stuff, with the introduction of Mia that connects to the next M&M, and the new series LAWLESS.. Plus the stuff relating to Erin. So busy in fact that it felt like Kai and Kori's relationship took a backseat. Unfortunately because of that I never connected with them as a couple. My other issue was that Kai just never came off like the dirty sadist he has been referred to in earlier books. This could be because of the lack of sex scenes between them (it seemed like there were less of them then usual) in any case I was left wanting the bad ass sadist Kai from previous books. Also, a lot of the "core" M&M group were missing from this one, which was a bummer. Someone else in another review mentioned that without all the extra story lines this felt like it was more along the lines of the novellas in this series. I have to agree with sentiment!
Overall though Lexi Blake can really do no wrong in my eyes, and although this wasn't one of my favorites in the series it progressed the series nicely, and sets up all kinds of new potential couples, and situations.