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review 2020-04-30 15:40
Tochter des Chaos // Daughter of Chaos!!!
Tochter des Chaos - Sarah Rees Brennan

german and english review (not spoilerfree, I need to vent)

mir wurde das Buch von Random House für eine Testleserunde zur Verfügung gestellt


Inhalt: Eine bisher unveröffentlichte Geschichte aus Sabrinas Leben, die zwischen den Staffeln 1 und 2 der erfolgreichen Netflix-Serie spielt.

Sabrina Spellman hat die härteste Entscheidung ihres Lebens gefällt: Sie lässt ihre Freunde an der Baxter High zurück. Jetzt muss sie sich unter den jungen Hexen und Hexern an der Akademie der Unsichtbaren Künste zurechtfinden. Ihre Macht wächst täglich, aber der Preis dafür ist hoch ... Kann Sabrina ihren neuen Klassenkameraden trauen? Vor allem dem charmanten Nick Scratch und seinen Gefühlen ihr gegenüber?


Meine Bewertung: Erst zum Ende hin hat mich das Buch wirklich gepackt!!!


Ich hatte mir ein bisschen mehr versprochen, das muss ich ganz ehrlich zu geben. Das Buch ist um einiges länger als der erste Band, deswegen hatte ich irgendwie mehr erwartet aber mich hat das Buch erst wirklich zum Ende hin überzeugen können und das war einfach zu spät.


Während ich in der Serie Harvey und auch Nick wirklich mag, haben sie mich in dem Buch nur gestört und viel zu viele Kapitel mit ihrem Hin und Her verschwendet, was ich nicht wirklich gebraucht hätte. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass Sabrina in dem Band mehr oder weniger in den Hintergrund gerückt ist. Was nicht mal so schlimm gewesen wäre, wenn ich dafür interessantere Geschichten von anderen gehört hätte. An Stelle von Nick und Harvey, hätte ich mir einfach mehr Roz oder Susie gewünscht.


Am interessantesten waren für mich einfach viel mehr Sabrina's Kapitel und die von Prudence. Hier sind wirklich interessante Dinge passiert, die unterhaltsam zu lesen waren und wirklich Spaß gemacht haben.


Alles im Allem habe ich immer noch das Problem, dass die Charaktere in den Büchern für mich nicht so klingen wie die Charaktere in der Serie. Da die Beiden nun mal zusammenhören, bringt es mich einfach immer wieder raus.


Im Allgemeinen, die Bücher sind gut als Ergänzung, es stellt mich aber trotzdem nicht wirklich zufrieden.




Summary: Half-witch, half-mortal sixteen-year-old Sabrina Spellman has made her choice: She's embraced her dark side and her witchy roots. Now her power is growing daily... but will it come at too high a price?

Sabrina Spellman has just made the hardest decision of her life: She's leaving behind her beloved friends at Baxter High. Now it's time to follow the path of night and find her way among the witches and warlocks at the Academy of Unseen Arts.

Sabrina has always been good at the school thing, but now she has a whole new world to navigate. Her power is growing daily, but it comes with a high price. She must always remember her new allegiances and the cost they have on her friends... and on herself.

And then there's her new classmates. Prudence, Dorcas, and Agatha are friends, kind of, but can Sabrina trust them? And what about Nick Scratch? He's as charming as ever, but will his feelings for Sabrina last?

Based on the hit Netflix show, this original YA novel tells an all-new, original story about Sabrina.


My review: I only really enjoyed this towards the end!!!


I expected more of this to be completely honest. This book was quite a bit longer than the first one, so I just expected more to be happening but this book took until the end to really grab my attention and that was just way too late.


While I actually like Harvey and also Nick in the tv show, they just annoyed me in this book and there were just so many chapters wasted on their back and forth and I just didn't need that. I felt like Sabrina was put in the background in this book. Which isn't that bad IF I would've gotten some actually interesting storylines instead. Instead of all the Nick and Harvey nonsense, I would have loved more Roz and Susie.


What held my interest the most were the Sabrina chapters and the ones from Prudence point of view. Here I felt like I actually got something interesting, that was entertaining and just fun to read about.


All in all, I still have the problem that the book characters don't sound like the tv show characters to me. And that just takes me out of the story all the time, cause these two are supposed to be intertwined.


Overall, the books are a nice add on but I'm not really satisfied.

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review 2020-04-09 16:03
Hexenzeit // Season of the Witch!!!
Hexenzeit - Sarah Rees Brennan

actual rating: 3.5

audible audiobook



Inhalt: Die offizielle Vorgeschichte zum großen Serienereignis auf NETFLIX

Nur noch einen Sommer hat Sabrina Spellman bis zu ihrem 16. Geburtstag. Dann wird alles anders werden: Sie wird in den dunklen Hexenzirkel aufgenommen und muss allen normalsterblichen Menschen entsagen; ihren Freundinnen - und ihrer großen Liebe Harvey. Wird sie das schaffen? Und liebt Harvey sie überhaupt so sehr wie sie ihn? Um das herauszufinden, lässt sich Sabrina von ihrem Cousin Ambrose zu einem gefährlichen Plan überreden: Sie wendet bei Harvey einen Zauber an. Etwas, was ihr ihre beiden Tanten, ebenfalls Hexen, absolut verboten haben. Nicht ohne Grund, denn plötzlich ist mehr als nur ein Leben in großer Gefahr...


Meine Bewertung: Besser als ich gedacht hatte!!!


Ich liebe die Serie einfach und da ich alles aufgeholt hab, was es zu gucken gab, habe ich mir vorgenommen mich den Büchern zu widmen. Einfach um erneut in die Welt einzutauchen und mich mit den Charakteren zu beschäftigen.


Der Schreibstil/Erzähler des Hörbuches war auch wirklich gut.


Es gab jetzt keine großen Überraschungen, es gab nichts was mich jetzt irgendwie total begeistert hätte. Trotzdem war es ein wirklich gutes Lesevergnügen, kurz aber gut. Es hat mir die Charaktere nochmal ein bisschen näher gebracht, vor allem Tommy, mit dem ich in der Serie nie was anfangen konnte, der ist mir erst jetzt durch das Buch so wirklich ans herz gewachsen. Damit hatte ich nicht gerechnet.


Ich werde auf jeden fall bei den Büchern bleiben, den zweiten Band habe ich schon.




Summary: From the creator of RIVERDALE comes the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, a new NETFLIX series based on the classic Archie comic series. This prequel YA novel tells an all-new, original story.

It's the summer before her sixteenth birthday, and Sabrina Spellman knows her world is about to change. She's always studied magic and spells with her aunts, Hilda and Zelda. But she's also lived a normal mortal life - attending Baxter High, hanging out with her friends Susie and Roz, and going to the movies with her boyfriend, Harvey Kinkle.

Now time is running out on her every day, normal world, and leaving behind Roz and Susie and Harvey is a lot harder than she thought it would be. Especially because Sabrina isn't sure how Harvey feels about her. Her cousin Ambrose suggests performing a spell to discover Harvey's true feelings. But when a mysterious wood spirit interferes, the spell backfires in a big way.

Sabrina has always been attracted to the power of being a witch. But now she can't help wondering if that power is leading her down the wrong path. Will she choose to forsake the path of lightand follow the path of night?

Our exclusive prequel novel will reveal a side of Sabrina not seen on the new NETFLIX show. What choice will Sabrina make and will it be the right one?


My review: Better than I expected!!!


I love the tv show and because I'm all caught up on everything there is to watch, I decided to dive into the books. I just want to go back into the world and interact with the characters again.


The writing/the narrator of the audiobook was also really good.


There weren't any big surprises, there wasn't anything that rocked my world. I still enjoyed this a lot though, even tho it was a really quick reading adventure. But it managed to make me feel closer to some of the characters, especially Tommy, who I was super indifferent about in the show, the book made me fall in love with him. I didn't expect that at all.


I'm totally going to stick with the books, I already got the second book ready.

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text 2020-04-06 17:25
Reading progress update: I've read 24%.
Hexenzeit - Sarah Rees Brennan

This will be such a fast listen and that's what I'm here for. I don't expect this to shatter my world cause I guess nothing really new will happen but I just love the show and I need something to bring me back into that world.

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review 2019-10-16 09:27
Needed a different POV
The Demon's Lexicon (The Demon's Lexicon, #1) - Sarah Rees Brennan

I may have been a bit stingy with the stars on this one. I guess it could be bumped up a bit, but there are some real problems with the book. The story is good. The secrets/mystery are good. The story is nicely resolved at the end. BUT I honestly think the author chose the wrong character to narrate with. Nick is, by his nature, an emotionless character who has a limited ability with and no love of words. Although the story is about him, it would have had far more depth. warmth and feeling if Alan had told it. I was glad to see that the sequel is told from the POV of Mae (a secondary character in the first book) who has a lot more vibrancy than Nick. 


I am coming to grips with the fact that books for teens and young adults don't have the same depth and layers of meaning as those designed for adults. Maybe judging this from my usual experience with books is unfair. Maybe we aren't supposed to see and understand intricately drawn characters. But if so I think YA and teen readers are missing out, because isn't that why most of us read, to understand and experience the lives of others? 


I'm almost ready to call another bingo though.

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review 2019-09-18 03:58
Tell the Wind and Fire by Sarah Rees Brennan
Tell the Wind and Fire - Sarah Rees Brennan

Bridget's Book Ramblings for my thoughts (2.75/5)

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