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review 2020-04-09 16:03
Hexenzeit // Season of the Witch!!!
Hexenzeit - Sarah Rees Brennan

actual rating: 3.5

audible audiobook



Inhalt: Die offizielle Vorgeschichte zum großen Serienereignis auf NETFLIX

Nur noch einen Sommer hat Sabrina Spellman bis zu ihrem 16. Geburtstag. Dann wird alles anders werden: Sie wird in den dunklen Hexenzirkel aufgenommen und muss allen normalsterblichen Menschen entsagen; ihren Freundinnen - und ihrer großen Liebe Harvey. Wird sie das schaffen? Und liebt Harvey sie überhaupt so sehr wie sie ihn? Um das herauszufinden, lässt sich Sabrina von ihrem Cousin Ambrose zu einem gefährlichen Plan überreden: Sie wendet bei Harvey einen Zauber an. Etwas, was ihr ihre beiden Tanten, ebenfalls Hexen, absolut verboten haben. Nicht ohne Grund, denn plötzlich ist mehr als nur ein Leben in großer Gefahr...


Meine Bewertung: Besser als ich gedacht hatte!!!


Ich liebe die Serie einfach und da ich alles aufgeholt hab, was es zu gucken gab, habe ich mir vorgenommen mich den Büchern zu widmen. Einfach um erneut in die Welt einzutauchen und mich mit den Charakteren zu beschäftigen.


Der Schreibstil/Erzähler des Hörbuches war auch wirklich gut.


Es gab jetzt keine großen Überraschungen, es gab nichts was mich jetzt irgendwie total begeistert hätte. Trotzdem war es ein wirklich gutes Lesevergnügen, kurz aber gut. Es hat mir die Charaktere nochmal ein bisschen näher gebracht, vor allem Tommy, mit dem ich in der Serie nie was anfangen konnte, der ist mir erst jetzt durch das Buch so wirklich ans herz gewachsen. Damit hatte ich nicht gerechnet.


Ich werde auf jeden fall bei den Büchern bleiben, den zweiten Band habe ich schon.




Summary: From the creator of RIVERDALE comes the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, a new NETFLIX series based on the classic Archie comic series. This prequel YA novel tells an all-new, original story.

It's the summer before her sixteenth birthday, and Sabrina Spellman knows her world is about to change. She's always studied magic and spells with her aunts, Hilda and Zelda. But she's also lived a normal mortal life - attending Baxter High, hanging out with her friends Susie and Roz, and going to the movies with her boyfriend, Harvey Kinkle.

Now time is running out on her every day, normal world, and leaving behind Roz and Susie and Harvey is a lot harder than she thought it would be. Especially because Sabrina isn't sure how Harvey feels about her. Her cousin Ambrose suggests performing a spell to discover Harvey's true feelings. But when a mysterious wood spirit interferes, the spell backfires in a big way.

Sabrina has always been attracted to the power of being a witch. But now she can't help wondering if that power is leading her down the wrong path. Will she choose to forsake the path of lightand follow the path of night?

Our exclusive prequel novel will reveal a side of Sabrina not seen on the new NETFLIX show. What choice will Sabrina make and will it be the right one?


My review: Better than I expected!!!


I love the tv show and because I'm all caught up on everything there is to watch, I decided to dive into the books. I just want to go back into the world and interact with the characters again.


The writing/the narrator of the audiobook was also really good.


There weren't any big surprises, there wasn't anything that rocked my world. I still enjoyed this a lot though, even tho it was a really quick reading adventure. But it managed to make me feel closer to some of the characters, especially Tommy, who I was super indifferent about in the show, the book made me fall in love with him. I didn't expect that at all.


I'm totally going to stick with the books, I already got the second book ready.

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review 2016-11-09 17:48
A Season with the Witch: The Magic and Mayhem of Halloween in Salem, Massachusetts - J. W. Ocker

Ocker and his family spend a month in Salem, MA. This book is more about the city than about that month. Ocker gets bonus points for including a chapter about the non-tourist section. I have to love a book that makes reference to Hocus Pocus. But honesty, a fun and funny read

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review 2015-11-09 06:09
Review: Season of the Witch (Shades Below Series) by L.J.K. Olivia


Georgia Clare needs help, and fast. As the lone survivor of—and witness to—her coven's brutal massacre, she's felt the killer hunting her. There's just one problem: the rest of San Francisco's witching community wants nothing to do with her, and the one man she can turn to doesn't do witches.


Darius deCompostela has done his best to steer clear of subversive affairs. A private investigator and reluctant medium, the last thing he wants is to advertise his existence to the things that go bump in the night. But then Georgia knocks on his door, and try as he might, he can't turn her away. It's just one case, after all. It's not like it's going to change his life…


***Disclaimer: I received a free copy in exchange for a review.***


This is kind of book I enjoy reading. The kind that engrosses you, intrigues you and makes you want to read more of the author's work. In a lot of ways this is the kind of book that shows what Urban Fantasy should be. Multi-layered storytelling, compelling characters and a magic system fully invested in its mythology and methodology for functioning in modern society. It's also an example of what ParaNormal Romance should be: a fleshed out story where the principals get to know each other while considering the ramifications of their growing mutual attraction. No Insta-Luv, no Soulmates from the Dawn of Time, etc. Just two people trying to survive a dangerous situation who happen to find each other along the way.


Laura Olivia has crafted an intelligent, almost lyrical story here. The pacing remains even throughout- though it could've picked up a little, the flow was constant. Olivia has a flare for dialogue and crafting conversations as well as inner monologue; you really get to know and understand Georgia and Darius more through their thoughts and interactions than their interlocking body parts. Both characters have issues and baggage from their pasts to overcome and move on from- though Darius' made him seem kind of thick for not having worked on it beforehand, especially with so many ready resources available to help him.


What I also liked was the fact it was a UF/PNR book that actually dealt with an interracial romance. I can't be the only one who finds the oddest aspect of the UF/PNR genre is how despite the rich histories of magic and mystery these books use and build upon from all over the world it's only ok to engage in all kinds of sexual olympics with a shapeshifter, undead or otherworldly creature of some sort... so long as they fit only one racial profile. While I thought the book should've touched more on the obstacles such a relationship would face even in these times, it remained a refreshing change of pace. And I'll leave it at that.


Season of the Witch is one of the more enjoyable and engaging books I've read this year. And I've no doubt you'll feel the same.






Bewitching Book Tour Host

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review 2014-10-11 22:24
Aw yeah
Season of the Witch - Mariah Fredericks

Ladies of a certain age who grew up watching The Craft on VHS: this book's for you. 

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review 2014-08-26 00:10
Review: Season of the Witch by Natasha Mostert
Season of the Witch - Natasha Mostert

Intriguing characters, in particular the enigmatic Monk sisters who entice lead character Gabriel into their lives whilst he tries to discover what has happened to a missing man.


Mystery and magic combine to make this a really interesting book that proved engrossing after a slightly slow start. Part based in fact, this book definitely gives food for thought and arose my interested in reading the author's three previous books.


Thanks to Transworld Publishing for the copy I received via netgalley.

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