Regular consumption of pine pollen tables helps to sustain the functionality the immune system, helping body hormones like DHEA, and testosterone to stay balanced.
Regular consumption of pine pollen tables helps to sustain the functionality the immune system, helping body hormones like DHEA, and testosterone to stay balanced.
Pine Pollen Tincture may not have the full spectrum of pine pollen nutrients! Pine pollen tinctures or extracts are alcoholic solutions that suspend the active molecules of pine pollen powder. The best pine pollen tincture for all the wonderful benefits it has for your general health, longevity, and energy. The idea with a tincture is helping the molecules absorb better in the body. Read More pine pollen extract
Chaga mushrooms used for medicinal purposes. It is a unique Polyporus squamosus that is also anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anti-Candida.
Chaga-mushroom is not only a product of the activity of a harmful fungus but also a valuable medical raw material whose healing properties have been known since ancient times.