Title: Season of Love
Author: Andrea Boeshaar
Publisher: Prism Book Group [Diamond]
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Seasons of Love" by Andrea Boeshaar
My Thoughts....
This author gave the readers three well written interesting Christian short stories of real life.
These are three anthologies...with the first being: An Apple a Day...How will a health food store owner Talia Fountain deal with Dr. Brian Coridan as he vacations in Blossom Lake, Wisconsin? In the next story...September Sonata.... What will happen as Krissy and Blaine's marriage is put to the test after he is recovering from a fire accident, the twins have left for college in another state and then Krissy is having to deal with a new 'Christian school principal that is showing interest in her?' Then last we have the last one...Let It Snow...can Shari Kretlow and Dr. Brenan Sheppard be brought back together after a past romance and be resurrected in a second chance? All of these questions and more will be answered as you read through 'Season's of Love.' I think my favorite one was 'September Sonata' because I felt that a lots of women have dealt with similar situations as this.
I did found all three short stories were a good reads presenting 'love and faith.' Would I recommend? If you are into a good Christian read...these would be definitely recommended. .
I received a copy through NOR in exchange for an honest review.