When performing an SEO for your blog, or website, everything that’s visible matters. From content to meta description everything counts. And what’s more visible than an image itself? St. Louis SEO experts, and many others like them, would agree that image optimization is a must for webpage’s SEO. So let’s have a look at the top 5 image SEO tips that you could use to make your blog rank better.
Size of Image
Image size is one of the most crucial factors when it comes to uploading an image on your blog. A large image increases your page load time. And page load time is an important factor for two obvious reasons. First, visitors who have to wait longer than 3 seconds for a page to load properly choose to leave the website instead of choosing to wait for the same. Second, if more people keep on repeating the same “Page leaving” behavior, Google takes a note of it, in a negative way. SEO services in San Diego would advise practicing options like image scaling, using images of lesser size, and image scaling.
2. Alt Text
Alt text, or alternate text, is the name that appears in place of an image if it doesn’t load properly. Alt text helps your viewers know what an image is about in case their connection is slow. Even Google considers alt text to understand the context and content of your web page.
3. Captions
You know what an image caption is. But why are they important for image SEO? The reason is that many visitors don’t read but crawl through blogs. And all they stop on are headings, subheadings, bullet points, and image captions. Giving a proper caption to an image is like providing your readers a reason to stop and give a thought to it. Making them spend more time on your webpage.
4. Use Responsive Images
Using the responsive image option means supplying the browser with multiple image sources depending upon the display size of the user’s device. So in case a user tries opening an image on his iPhone that was originally meant for a Mac, the browser will instead supply an image that suits the phone’s resolutions. But that’s only possible if you have provided the browser with multiple image options.
5. Use an Image Only When Necessary
When people get to know that images are good for SEO, they start using them rather unnecessarily. But that’s a bad practice. Unnecessary images not only slow down your web page by increasing its load time, but they also hamper your readers flow. That’s why it’s important to use images only for informative purposes rather than decorative ones. So if your blog post is about St. Loius SEO services, then instead of providing an image of the city of St. Louis, try posting images that contain the reviews of the services. Using graphs, flow diagrams, and stats is a good practice though.
Image SEO has always been an important part of many top bloggers SEO strategies from the start. That’s why every blogger should pay heed to these optimization techniques to not only help your web pages rank better but to also enrich your reader's experiences. And if you are rather thinking of seeking professional help in this matter, then simply Google for SEO services in your city. A mere “ SEO services in San Diego”, as an example, would help you take care of all your SEO troubles.
More info: https://www.10seos.com/us/best-seo-companies-in-st-louis-usa