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review 2020-01-05 00:00
Darcy's Decision (Given Good Principles)
Darcy's Decision (Given Good Principles) - Maria Grace Interesting. Didn't enjoy much how Mr Darcy senior was portraied… Didn't realize it was a prequel so was disappointed we didn't get to see any Bennets. On to the next on the series!
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review 2018-12-18 16:55
Mach und Dach: "Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting" by Robert McKee
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting - Robert McKee

(Original review, 1997-11-30)

Aristotle's observations of drama, is very far from the early dramaturgy as 18th century Lessing for instance. In the twenties when dramaturgy started to become a subject on its own in Central Europe (where it started) there was already in the beginning two different approaches, the Pièce bien fait approach (which mostly is today's melodrama) and an agnostic approach basically used by Brecht (not in the sense of V-effect, but his approach to story - like in "Kleines Organon für das Theater") and many others where the approach follows the what he called "Mach und Dach" - first you do something - then you analyze what you have done and then build from that.



If you're into stuff like this, you can read the full review.

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text 2018-09-17 19:49
Principles by Ray Dalio: Key takeaways
Principles - Ray Dalio Principles - Ray Dalio
  • The Success broth is produced using the following ingredients. Dreams, True Recognition and Conscious Interaction with Reality as well as the Determination to Reflect / Learn / Repeat. Step by step, the broth becomes tastier and this is called progress.


  • Ignorance, Ego and Arrogance are fatal impediments.


  • A way of learning is to ask and answer followed by more asking and answering till a conclusion is reached.


  • During each setback, reflect on the manner of you not understanding reality and how you could improve your understanding and handling of reality the next time.


  • Seek the truth about your mistakes and weaknesses to improve fast


  • Wrestle with realities, reflect on decisions' consequences, learn and improve


  • Challenge your opinions with the smartest people around


  • Use your best efforts to derive the best independent opinion you can get


  • Work for yourself and be the toughest boss you can be on yourself.


  • It is easy to be confident of your opinions but often they are wrong and costly


  • Majority of people in life are wrong, so learn to be independent


  • 5 distinct steps to getting what you want in life
  1. Set your goals
  2. Design your plan to achieve your goals and identify/diagnose the problems that stand between you and your goals
  3. Design steps to resolve/overcome the problems that arise
  4. Execute the steps
  1. To diagnose problems, you need logic, the ability to see multiple possibilities and willingness to forsake ego to seek the truth
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review 2018-06-09 00:00
Principles of Civil Litigation
Principles of Civil Litigation - David B... Principles of Civil Litigation - David Bamford Ho hum, another text book.
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review 2017-04-02 02:39
Requiem for the American Dream: The 10 P... Requiem for the American Dream: The 10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power - Noam Chomsky,Peter Hutchison,Kelly Nyks,Jared P. Scott
  Very timely. Very interesting. It's the companion book to the documentary by the same name. I liked that he went back 50 years to put what is happening today in our government and society in prospective and giving us the history of what has led up to today. He gives examples as well as excerpts of his source materials. This is written so it can be understood by everyone. I learned a lot. There is a lot to think about in these pages.
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