Well I know this is being done after the release but I do believe it is timely. I was given the opportunity via Net Galley to get a small snippet of this wonderful book. I am so glad I requested to read this sneak peak. I cannot express how much this book has my attention and I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on the full copy. With that being said I will only dive briefly into the topic at hand. This is of two very well known characters (even if you are not an avid Disney lover) "Aladdin and the Jinni". Though it is a bit different, still a love story just not in the manner we remember. With only a brief snippet of this book I can say that with every page I was drawn further in the world in which, Jessica Khoury, the author, has done such a well job that I read through most of these first eight chapters in one day. Though this story is not like the story we all know, in my opinion it may even be better.....shhhhh don't tell all the other Disney Aladdin lovers that I said this.....I seriously cannot wait to finish this book. I seriously recommend this book. I am not sure what is up ahead of us in this story but I cant wait to find out. Once I have read it all I will give a complete review and rating of the book.