This appeals to the part of me that is always gravitating towards pretty covers. All the pretty, none of the "oh crap, I probably should have read more of the excerpt." Also, Julie Dillon has successfully delivered on at least one other Kickstarter that I know of, so it's a good one for the risk-averse, like myself.
A poetry collection that’s also feminist fairy-tale retellings with a curated selection of photographs. I know of several people who I respect who really loved this one. For me it didn’t quite work and I’m struggling to say way. I think I found the fairy tales too much in service to the feminism, and at the same time found that the feminism was hitting a couple of notes very hard and not touching on others. I think there’s value in this approach, but for me the specific notes didn’t resonate and so I didn’t love it in the same way that other readers do.