The Magic School Bus book collection in so informational. This particular book is has a lot of information about the solar system. It has information about the planents, comet, and many other acts. The book begins inside the classroom where the lass is working on a project and, like it always does, it ends up with Mrs, Frizzle and the class all coming on the maic chool bus to travel to outter space. Mrs. Frizzle ends up getting separated from the class and she gives the class clues on what planet she waiting for them on. The books with the class being safe and sound back inside the classroom and full of new information. I would use this book to incorporate science along with readin. I could have the students draw a planet from a basket and create the planet, or have the students create the entire solar system. I would read the book during science n thegrdes 1 - 2 but I would read the book and have the students do the project in the upper grades. This book is a reading level of 3.7.