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review 2017-08-12 03:58
Virtue (Sons of Scotland Book 1) - Victoria Vane

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Title: Virtue
Author: Victoria Vane
Publisher: Dragonblade Publishing
Series: Sons of Scotland # 1
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Virtue" by Victoria Vane


As always this author gives her readers another well written read that will keep one thrilled and intrigued with a story that also keeps one turning the pages to see what will happen next in this Highlander Scottish Romance series. The story features two main characters...Sibylla Mac William and Alexander. It was very interesting that when these two meet you will be able to feel the connection that is their between them. We find Alexander not really knowing of his heritage, left to leave as a monk but goes as a teacher to help a Highland family that needed a Tudor. After arriving and seeing and meeting Lady Sibylla his finds that his heart is conflicted. Now, why is that? This is where I say I don't want to spoil it for you so, you will have to pick up this read to see if these two will get their HEA.

I liked how the twist and turns, fast pace and surprises that were feed into the story that really keeps the reader on the edge of there seats wondering how this story will come out in the end. Be prepared for a little bit of it all from... 'secrets, betrayals, danger, passion and love' that will take the reader into the next series of 'Sons of Scotland.'


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Kind of like the #1.


We all have stories, most should not be read by anyone but ourselves. But why not.


Write for rights is a good idea for those who first step to help other people and give a damn.

So write for other people. 


A current, possibly ex-friend of mine is all wrapped up with herself. A little headache is a disaster because she paid attention to herself. 


Maybe writing for other people would help that a little. 

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