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text 2022-06-02 13:23
What Are the Leading HR Challenges in 2022 and How to Tackle Them!

In recent years, human resources experts have faced numerous HR challenges, and this year appears to be a continuance of most of those obstacles — with a few fresh ones tossed in for good measure. People were, and still are, complicated, and managing them has always been difficult.


This makes HR a difficult task with numerous obstacles. It also implies that detecting and resolving human resource issues is time, cash, and effort wisely spent because people are a company’s most valuable asset

Recruiting high talent


It takes discretion, time, and a lot of effort to attract and keep the best talent. And that’s

why this counts among one of the biggest HR challenges.


You must first understand the job and company requirements to attract the best candidates. However, as work duties and expectations evolve along with the company culture, this task gets more complex.


As a result, we recommend starting with where and how you advertise job openings. Using their abilities, industry, and employment level, use the channels your target talent is most inclined to use. You’ll have less effort to put into the screening phase if you attract the correct prospects. Learn more: Corporate training platform

Maintaining workforce engagement


For decades, human resource professionals have been concerned about employee engagement. Engagement measures were trending upward early in the COVID outbreak due to increased clarity and communication. However, those benefits have been difficult to maintain as the focus has moved to whether or not people would go back to their workplaces.

Promoting relationship management


Workplace interactions will be more crucial than ever in 2022. One of the numerous HR challenges this year is promoting good partnerships. Businesses are settling back into long-term blended or virtual working models, significantly influencing how people interact.

Strengthening corporate training strategies


In the modern economy, rapid training and retraining plus upskilling are becoming the norm. However, the workplace is changing faster than the conventional Learning Management Systems can maintain pace.


HR practitioners will need to find new training programs and continuous professional development options by 2022. Yes, this is another among the vital HR challenges. In an appropriate training and development plan, you must address rapidly evolving technological expertise and long-term transferrable abilities.

Accepting change gracefully and easily


Change can shapeshift our surroundings, rivals, consumers, and workplace. Humans are fearful of change, whether managerial, organizational, operational, or technical. Anxiety and worry are common reactions to the unknown.


As a result, among the most frequent HR difficulties is the significant obligation to adapt personnel to change. Human Resources Department is responsible for maintaining team morale, contentment, and cooperation throughout times of transition and upskilling individuals to match the business’s evolving requirements.

Developing tomorrow’s leaders


A team leader is frequently to blame for not all units functioning at the same level. Many individuals consider quitting their employment due to a strained connection with their immediate supervisor. That is why identifying and developing skilled and inspiring leaders is vital.


But saying it is easier than doing it. Because preparing existing staff for leadership roles fails when the future leaders are continually departing, which is common in a Millennial-dominated organization. As a result, it’s among the most prevalent HR challenges today.

Retaining employees


As per a report from the Center for American Progress, turnover can cost organizations anywhere from 16% to 213% of the lost employee’s salary. And now, employees have more job options than they otherwise would have in years, so HR professionals must work hard to keep their present employees – or potentially lose them to a highly competitive job market. e learning management system

Promoting a culture of lifelong learning


Thousands of employees are leaving their employment today due to a lack of advancement prospects. Training is, without a doubt, the most crucial factor in keeping people engaged, motivated, and loyal.


However, that’s only valid if the training is related to their professions, contains exciting content, and is offered in formats that allow for flexible learning. Because ongoing training is required to keep a corporation competitive, employees are frequently bored or overworked.




Predicting the future corporate landscape is among the ultimate HR challenges. HR challenges will make or break a business as industries and techniques advance, subsequent generations join the workforce, and globalization increases competitiveness. Organizations will leverage their main strength, their employees, to achieve sustained success by staying relevant and consistently identifying and resolving human resource concerns.

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text 2021-12-24 08:10
eLearning Course Not Working? Here Are a Few Fixes.


Isn’t it true that we expect eLearning to be a huge winner? Why isn’t your eLearning course firing on all cylinders if this is the case? This question may have a more straightforward answer than you believe. A few fundamental issues appear to confuse eLearning practitioners regardless of their size or sector.


How Can You Make Your eLearning Course Work?


Learning Always Happens Both Ways


Nowadays, it appears as if individuals are creating two types of material. It’s divided into heavy data about products or services and fluff. Both are incredibly upsetting, and people are becoming better at recognizing when to leave as time goes on. Here’s a challenge for you: Did you approach the course from a giving or a receiving plus learning viewpoint while structuring and designing it?


The response is critical since it could be why your student is completely disengaged from the course, which would explain why they aren’t putting what they’ve learned into practice, or worse, why they aren’t even finishing the course. They will not accompany you on your journey if they do not see its worth.

Read more: Corporate learning


Experiment With Active Learning


Many business training materials are as dull as a rice cracker. It doesn’t have to be that way! Learners can become actively involved in their learning process by balancing passive and active content.


The term “passive content” refers to content that the learner only needs to consume. Passive learning content includes listening to a podcast, viewing a video, and reading notes. On the other hand, Active content encourages learners to think, solve problems, and practice their knowledge and abilities.


Have You Considered the Content?


We’re very sure your e learning management system courses are jam-packed with high-quality content, but so are a lot of people’s favorite novels and movies. The capacity to digest something also testifies to its quality. No matter how valuable the material is, it won’t be regarded as good if no one can read it. So it’s most likely not what you’re offering, but how you’re sharing it.


Consider All Types of Learners


You only need to be trendy to create eLearning content that stays! Because it’s almost certain that students will have a wide range of learning styles and preferences. Some people are visual learners, while others prefer audio, and still, others prefer to dip their toes in the water.


The best method to incorporate everyone in the learning process and ensure everyone feels involved is to balance visual, aural, and kinesthetic eLearning content aspects. Present skills, information, and concepts using a range of videos, visual, and written materials and activities, such as branching scenarios and group projects.


What About Incorporating Recent Trends?


If you recall, your workforce is constantly flooded with information, as we described before. You want to make sure this doesn’t end up on their to-do-later list.

Because you won’t always be the one to express how important something is, exposing them to community chats or forums will allow them to connect with individuals who can help them see training as a way to progress.


How applicable is this training to their day-to-day responsibilities? Your students should never feel as if they are wasting their time in your class. Keep things as relevant and to-the-point as possible, and they’ll want to participate and stay involved.

What will happen, as we already stated, as a result of this? How soon do you think it will be? Your students are expecting specific things from your course. You must live up to these expectations.

Read more: open source learning management system


Be Unique


We live in a content curation world. It’s easy to pick the stuff that corresponds to your themes and call it a course, especially with a limitless supply of amazing videos, articles, and online resources.


Now, not all content curating is terrible. It can be pretty effective, and it often provides learners with a more diverse perspective and a fascinating set of learning activities. However, if you want your online course to take off genuinely, it must be unique




It’s hardly rocket science to create an engaging eLearning program that your audience will like. E-learning, when done correctly, can yield significant economic results by aligning with employees’ schedules rather than working against them.

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text 2021-09-09 07:32
A Brief Insight into Designing a Corporate Learning LMS for Millennia’s and the Gen Z


The young generation is the digitally native Gen Z and Gen Y. While the former comprises people born between 1995 to 2015, the latter, also called the Millennia’s, consists of individuals born between 1980 and 1995. Millennia’s, currently, account for the largest chunk of employees in companies. And numbers are here to prove our claims. As per PEW Research,


More than one-in-three American labor force participants (35%) are Millennia’s, making them the largest generation in the U.S. labor force. The Census Bureau projects that the Millennial population will peak at 75 million. At that number, a high rate of labor force participation would be needed to reach a labor force of 66 million.” The same applies to the Gen Z-ers as well, who are rapidly taking up new positions in companies.


With this gradual transformation in workplaces, we need to be clear about one thing. Both the Gen Z and Gen Y have grown up using technology. They are so tech savvy that their entire world lies online -- on their mobile devices, iPads, desktops, or laptops. They also have distinct learning styles. In both cases, you must have a corporate learning LMS for Millennials and Gen Z, which is fully equipped to match each generation’s preferred style of learning. But before understanding how to design the perfect LMS, let’s get an idea of both these generations’ behavioural traits.


The Differences Between the Learning Traits of the Gen Z and Gen Y Employee


According to the Way to Work survey conducted by Adecco, here are the key differences between Millennia’s and Generation Z when it comes to workplace behavioral patterns:

  • Members of Gen Z are more concerned about the cost of education (21% of respondents) than Millennials (13% of respondents).
  • Millennials value stability (34%), while Gen Z puts more emphasis on finding their dream job (32%).
  • More Gen Zers follow their parents’ influence (42%) than their Millennial counterparts (36%).


Now, the next question might be -- How do you address these traits and develop a dynamic curriculum that addresses Millennial and Gen Z workers’ distinct user preferences? 


When you start with the Learning Management System framework for Millennials and Gen Z, you need to give the prime focus to your end-users. This is an experimental, repetitive, and iterative process. Again,  once you have access to all the information regarding your young learners’ specific needs, you can start carrying out detailed research on industry-specific courses that will give the required value addition. Now, you can decide where your Corporate Training Platform for Millennials and Gen Z needs improvements.


After your E Learning Management System development team has selected the areas of improvement in your existing LMS for Millennials, your next step is to hold sessions — which include your design squad and internal stakeholders. Before arriving at the final design, consider all ideas that can enhance the entire LMS experience. Now, you need to experiment and turn ideas into a curriculum. You can then organise for a beta test before the full launch. Finally, once you are confident about your prototype, share it within your organisation. Give users plenty of scopes to provide honest feedback. Once you have the feedback ready, use this information to finalise your new curriculum.

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text 2021-09-09 07:28
Switching to a New LMS? What Are the Factors to Consider?


If you are reading this blog, it means you already have an LMS in place -- to address your corporate training needs. However, if you are considering to embrace a new E Learning Management System, your current software must have certain downsides. But will the new LMS be sufficient in closing the gap areas? After all, when you introduce a new system to your workplace, you need to ensure that your employees learn and embrace the software within the required time frame. Again, you will be required to transfer your old legacy content into the new LMS.


Therefore, to make sure that your switch to another LMS is the right decision, you should keep some important factors in mind. And our blog will help you in making the correct choice.


Five Factors to Consider When Switching from Your Old LMS to a New One


Identify the Gaps in Your Existing eLearning Management System


You are advised to kick off your LMS search by first researching the gap areas in your current LMS. Have detailed discussions with your trainees, content developers, designers, and the L&D leadership. Only then, you can shortlist the key pain points in your existing Learning Management System. Now, you can think of making the switch -- by establishing the main criteria for success. When your end goals have clarity, choosing a new corporate training software should be easier.


Compare the Features You Have Vs. the Features You Want


Your current LMS must have some features that are highly essential for the operations of your business. Now, make a list of those features that don’t have much impact on your overall learning culture in the company. Create a comparison table and then, start your new Learning Management System shopping process. You cannot neglect a software just because it does not have a certain function. There is a good chance that there may be an alternative or you may simply not require that feature.


Consider the Engagement Quotient


This is an important consideration. The contemporary time-crunched, modern workforce won’t enroll in an eLearning Management System that is boring. Therefore, your new LMS must allow you to curate content that’s engaging. Check if the software has interesting features like gamified quizzes, feedback-based assessment systems, reward-oriented courses, and multimedia for enhancing the visual experience. Your courses should also be mobile-optimized and must be developed in brief, micro-modules to enhance the absorption and retention rates.


Check the Option of New Content Creation


Make a list of all the content creation features that are not present in your current LMS. Creating new corporate training modules uses a lot of resources. See if your new LMS has the option to re-use old and existing legacy content. Again, check if the new LMS allows you to create rich and interactive content. Finally, make sure that the new platform has the option to allow the migration of content, users, and enrollments from the older version.


Consider the Time and Cost


Finally, consider the overall time that is estimated for the switchover. Hence, invest enough time to calculate the number of days that would be required for the transition process. Also, the total cost of ownership for an LMS includes licensing and infrastructure expenses + additional costs. You will need to consider the expenditures involved in training users, managing content, and creating reports. Pick an LMS that makes these processes more efficient as compared to your old LMS.


Well, that’s it. If you think that there are any important factors we have missed out, do not forget to leave a comment below!

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text 2021-09-09 07:21
Best Corporate Training Strategies to Engage Your Remote Workforce



According to a recent research report on online corporate learning, “72% of organizations interviewed believe that eLearning helps them increase their competitive edge by keeping up with the changes in their particular market.” The same study also suggests that “eLearning takes 40% to 60% less employee time than traditional education.”


Time and again, we have reiterated the multiple benefits of an online corporate training model. And now, with the surge of the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations are increasingly leaning toward virtual platforms. Because, whatever be the scenario, knowledge dissemination for existing and new employees cannot stop. Learning and development has to continue if your workforce needs to stay updated with the latest product, service and industry developments -- even when working from remote locations.


Of course, digital learning strategies are a go-to method to enhance your employees’ professional development. It ensures a continuous learning culture within your organization. But how can you make sure that your training modules appeal to trainees, located in diverse places? When they work at their own pace, without supervision, how can you ascertain that they do not get bored or lose their attention? Well, our tips might help you with that!


Take the help of webinars and virtual live classrooms


Short, engaging webinars, covering a vast range of topics, for both professional and personal development, will go a long way in holding the interest quotient of your employees. You can give them lessons on how to manage their working hours, how their productivity affects the company’s goals and business deadlines, or how to tackle common challenges -- arising from a virtual model.


With the correct content, online live classrooms can help your learners to make that transition from passive viewers to active participants. Video conferencing, interactive whiteboards, collaborative code editors, online polls and surveys, live screen-sharing, and live streaming are just some of the ways to enhance the remote corporate training experience.


Use Microlearning


Microlearning offers actionable information that enables employees to use the required knowledge to solve a targeted issue. This allows them to take instant decisions and helps improve business performance. Microlearning, which segments training into manageable chunks, can also be optimized to fit any screen size. Employees can then access courses anywhere, at any time and on any device.


Pick an effective Learning Management System


An effective learning management system (LMS) is an ideal tool to disseminate remote knowledge. When you have the right LMS, you can customize your corporate learning modules and give access to resources to deliver just-in-time, on-the-go training. LMS can also help the L&D leadership to identify skill gaps and determine individual training needs. You can then use this data to create employee learning paths, embedded with different types of training models.


Wrapping it up


Even in a remote model, teams should meet regularly to collaborate on enjoyable online learning sessions. You can ensure that your employees gather via video conferencing or teleconferencing -- at least once every month. You can include activities in these sessions like team-building sessions, storytelling and story-building, quizzes, or games. When you keep your workforce engaged, there is no reason why they will not attend your training programs!

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