At A Glance
Genre: Chick Lit
Love Triangle/Insta Love?: nope.
Cliff Hanger: nah.
Rating: 4.5 stars
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 7
Plot: 7
Characters: 8
World Building: 7
Flow: 8
Series Congruity: n/a
Writing: 8
Ending: 8
Total: 8
In Dept
Best Part: guilty pleasure fulfilled :D
Worst Part: not a messy ending!
Thoughts Had: don't judge; ohhh nooo; aw!
Continuing the Series: n/a
Recommending: yes
Short Review: *Sigh* Sophie Kinsella needs to write forever. I love her books so much. So much fluff. These are for sure my guilty pleasure (don't judge!). I really wish this was a series book thou, i want to see how it goes for them two after all this goes down. The only issue i usually have with these books is that the endings are usually very cleanly done. I kinda wish for a messy ending so i can worry about the MC!! Still, great little chick lit :D
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