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review 2016-11-10 19:19
Flat Stanley
Flat Stanley - Jeff Brown,Scott Nash,Macky Pamintuan


While I have seen Flat Stanley used in guided reading for second grade, I personally would use this book for a fourth-grade project like my fourth-grade teacher did. To begin with, my teacher gave all of use three printouts of Stanley at the end of our third-grade year. This was because we would need to start on a project that we would have to complete the next year. Over the summer we were tasked with taking or sending Stanley to four different places outside of Alabama. By sending Stanley I mean that we were allowed to send Stanley to family members that either did not live in Alabama or were traveling somewhere outside of Alabama. During Stanley's visits, we were to take pictures of what he saw with him in the picture. Then once school started back we were two make two posters displaying the pictures we took and telling about the places Stanley visited. At the same time, we were reading the book in class in order to get the thought process behind this assignment. 

Although I absolutely loved this project and would totally use it in my classroom, I would change a few things. First off I would ask the third-grade teacher if she could present the book towards the end of the year. This way the students know the story and better understand this project. Secondly, I would not require the places Stanley visits to be outside of the state. Instead, I would probably just say it had to be outside the town or city in which I was teaching. I say this because not everyone can afford to go on vacations, but surely everyone could make a quick trip to a park or even the store. Also, I might even allow the students to use their house as a place Stanley visits. Lastly, I would not require Stanley to be in the pictures. This way any students that did not receive a Stanley at the end of the year or had moved to the school that year would not be punished because they did not have one. Other than that I would keep the whole project the same. 


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