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text 2023-12-28 10:29
Bathroom Renovation Tips: Where to Start with Bathroom Design

When thinking about the design of a bathroom, you need to remember that it should not only be practical. It is not enough to ensure the ease of use of plumbing items. The bathroom should be designed so that it is cozy and comfortable to be in. The atmosphere in this room should help you relax and promote peace after fruitful work and recuperation. Therefore, when developing a design, the choice of not only the main finishing materials but also small interior details is of great importance. 

Creating a bathroom design

Carrying out renovations in an apartment is always preceded by thinking through the design of each room and all the interior details. As a rule, difficulties arise when choosing options for designing and arranging furniture in the bathroom since it is very important to create comfort, a relaxing atmosphere, and ensure the convenience of hygiene procedures.


What should the bathroom design be like? Beautiful, compact, and multifunctional. Therefore, it is quite difficult to design a bathroom perfectly, even if its area is large. If the bathroom is small or combined with a toilet, then developing the design will require even more time and imagination. A special approach to decorating small spaces is needed.


What needs to be done before starting to develop a design project? Clear the bathroom of unnecessary things. Often people also assign it the functions of a storage room. This should not be done. The design of the room must be thought out in such a way that it contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of relaxation. This will not be achieved if the bathroom is a repository of unnecessary things. In this case, even perfectly selected finishing, furniture, and plumbing will not be enough. So, what should you not keep in your bathroom?


For the room to be spacious and to be comfortable in it, you need to leave only items of daily use in it. If there is no space in your apartment to store hygiene products, cleaning products, and detergents purchased in reserve, you can leave them in the bathroom, making sure to hide them in a special box. 


It is also worth considering where you will keep equipment for styling and drying hair. The sight of appliances lying, for example, on a washing machine with wires hanging down will disrupt the harmony. The bathroom is generally not suitable for storing such devices. It is better to set aside a place for them in the closet or a dresser drawer in the bedroom and, if necessary, take them to the bathroom, remembering to return them to their place after use. For cosmetics, it is better to purchase a dressing table. If this is not possible, then you can store it on a shelf in front of the mirror in the hallway.

Storing cleaning equipment in the bathroom is not recommended.  It is better to remove basins, buckets, mops, brushes, etc. from the pantry. There is no need to store them in the bathroom. If the room for sanitary and hygienic procedures is small, then it is better not to place a basket in it for collecting dirty laundry. As a rule, air humidity in the bathroom is high, and therefore things will become damp and smell bad.

Basic bathroom design styles

Modern style

Modern style is represented by several artistic directions: minimalism, urbanism, and industrial style. They can be combined with each other. Each of these style solutions is characterized by using certain color combinations, plumbing fixtures, and furniture of the appropriate shape.


To decorate bathrooms in a modern style, finishing materials and objects in shades of brown, beige, or deep gray are used. Due to the neutral shades, the design is discreet and looks noble. It is complemented with ultra-modern accessories.


Another name for Provence is rustic style or farmhouse style. Despite this, it is often chosen for the decoration of premises by residents of large cities. Provence-style rooms are decorated using various accessories with ceramic stands and ornaments. The finishing is often done with gold inserts.


When decorating a bathroom in Provence style, light, often white, finishes and furniture are used. As a rule, the wood lining is used as a facing material for walls and floors. Sometimes part of the walls (mainly in private houses) is decorated with tiles. Integral details of the interior in the Provence style are cute bathroom window design, curtains, shelves, wicker accessories and furniture, and wooden parts.

Classic style

The classic version of room design involves using materials in natural shades. Bathrooms are often tiled with tiles that imitate natural stone. You can add modernity to the interior by installing original sanitary ware and using glass design elements. A classic-style bathroom is often decorated in beige shades. Due to this, the room acquires an ancient flavor and looks beautiful.

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text 2023-04-12 12:38
PocketBook Era z nagrodą Red Dot Design Award 2023

W ramach Red Dot Design Award po raz kolejny nagrodzony został czytnik książek elektronicznych marki PocketBook. Red Dot jest międzynarodowym konkursem, w którym promowane jest wzornictwo przemysłowe, w tym oczywiście projekty obecnych na rynku produktów konsumenckich. W tym roku to prestiżowe wyróżnienie otrzymał m.in. PocketBook Era.


PocketBook Era (w czasie świętowania Dni Agrestu)


W poprzednich latach nagrodę zdobyły m.in. czytniki PocketBook Touch Lux 4 oraz PocketBook Touch HD 3. Jury doceniło w nich zwartą formę i ergonomię fizycznych przycisków. Podobnie jak w przypadku modeli nagrodzonych w 2019 roku, projektantem wyglądu czytnika PocketBook Era także jest Alexander Morokko.


W 2019 roku nagrodę Red Dot Design zdobyły m.in. czytniki PocketBook Touch Lux 4 i PocketBook Touch HD 3 (źródło: www.red-dot.org)


W informacji prasowej producenta, projektant tak wypowiada się o modelu nagrodzonym w bieżącym roku: „Wzornictwo PocketBook Era ucieleśnia filozofię nowoczesnego minimalizmu, łącząc elegancką cienkość linii z fenomenalną użytecznością. Czarna obudowa tego smukłego i eleganckiego czytnika doskonale kontrastuje z ekranem i wykwintną metalową ramką w kolorze srebrnym lub miedzianym. Żłobkowana tylna powierzchnia zapewnia maksymalny komfort trzymania urządzenia. Mechaniczne przyciski na panelu bocznym idealnie pasują zarówno do użytkowników prawo-, jak i leworęcznych, zapewniając doskonały komfort czytania.”.


 Złącze do bezprzewodowego ładowania czytnika PocketBook Era


Poza docenioną przez jurorów ergonomią i nowym wzornictwem, w tym czytniku po raz pierwszy PocketBook wprowadził inny sposób mocowania okładek, a w tym możliwość bezprzewodowego ładowania przy użyciu specjalnej wersji okładki. Testowałem tę nową opcję i moje wrażenia na ten temat możecie znaleźć we wpisie „Test: PocketBook Era – jak działa BEZPRZEWODOWE ładowanie w praktyce”. Korzystam z Ery od ponad pół roku. Recenzję tego modelu opublikowałem w sierpniu 2022 r. (wpis: „Recenzja: PocketBook Era z siedmiocalowym ekranem E-Ink Carta 1200”). Na rynku obecne są dwie wersje kolorystyczne z 16 GB (srebrna) i 64 GB (miedziana) pamięci wewnętrznej.


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