Loved it! I have to think that Eames' Band books aren't for everyone. All the winks and jokes both subtle and broad might tend to grate on some people I'd think. But not me. I loved it all. I laughed out loud and marvelled at how he got away with things.
This book felt a wee bit darker than the first book, Kings of the Wyld, especially the ending, but I didn't mind at all. It felt complete.
We have the story of Tam Hashford, daughter of a one time band member and she wants nothing more than to be a band member herself. When one of the biggest and best mercenary bands rolls into town and she gets invited to be its next bard, well, the adventure begins. She's seventeen, I think, and we get to see how she grows and matures over the next little while. It's a short span of time, but she does some HUGE growing.
And Rose... Bloody Rose, daughter of Golden Gabe of Saga fame... she is an enigma. I thought we were going to get the story from her POV, but I was mistaken. We see her story through Tam's eyes, and it works really well.
Anyway, I loved it. It was a terrific sequel and I sure hope Nicholas does some more writing in this world because I'm fascinated by it!
Oh... one last thing. The covers of these books are GORGEOUS!!! I'd hang this one especially on my wall. Kudos to Richard Anderson for a thing of beauty!