I received a copy from Netgalley.
Something I snagged with auto approval from Hatchette Children's Books on Netgalley. I'm not that fond of sci-fi books, they're often a hit or a miss for me. Sometimes I like them, sometimes I don't. Unfortunately this title was a miss for me. I gave it 100 pages, but I'm so bored with this book the thought of reading more makes me cringe and my eyes roll.
It's an interesting idea, Seren lives on a spaceship as part of a special mission group of people that's flying out of our solar system to find a new place for people to live, downside is it will take seven hundred plus years to go there. The people who live on the ship follow a set pattern plan and everything is determined for them by a system that's gone on for many many years. Education - two years of manual labour then a speciality. And a computer will tell you who you will marry and procreate with. It's all done by science, no need for romance and no one particularly cares if you don't like the person you're chosen to be with.
Seren hates her life. She's bored out her brains, moody and sulky. Given the circumstances, it's sort of understandable. However, she was so boring, had such a lack of personality and her everything sucks, dismissive of everything and everyone around her got very tiring very quickly. She hates the life partner chosen for her. She thinks her older sister who's happy with her match and her life partner is an idiot. Basically everyone's stupid but her is the impression I got. Then she meets Domingo at the doctor's office one day and he's the best looking thing she has ever seen and just like that she's madly madly in love with him after they spend one afternoon. She's willing to now break every rule she's ever learned to spend time with this guy. Who may have feelings for her but doesn't quite know.
It was a case of insta-love that in this occasion just didn't work for me. I don't like the characters at all, I don't have any desire to know how this all works out. Not for me.