So, my deep dark secret is that a few years ago, I was writing a Twelve Dancing Princesses retelling, and then I frogged* it for several reasons. But during that time, I didn’t read any of the multitude of TDP retellings that were being published. The Princess Curse is the first I’ve picked up since then, and I really liked it. It weaves in the Persephone myth at the end as well, and I was JUST THINKING how much I want more Persephone retellings. Anyway, I liked it, although I was sort of wilfully ignoring Reveka’s age because of reasons. I also think the cover skews the book a bit too young–I would love a beautiful Kinuko Crafty cover that reflects the mythological richness of the book a little more.
* This is a knitting term, and I’m sure there’s an equivalent writing version, but I don’t know it.