I don't know if any of you have ever read any books by Danielle Monsch. I haven't, but this was called to my attention by the Book Geek, which is my personal favorite book review blog. Until Halloween, her novel Stone Guardian is on sale for $2.99 (I bought my copy from Amazon for Kindle, but I think that you can buy it from several other vendors, as well), and part of the proceeds are going to Toys for Tots. It's part of Monsch's 12 Days of Halloween event, and I think that the whole thing is just fabulous. While I'm not sure yet if I'm a fan of her books, as of today, I'm a huge fan of Danielle herself for using her work to give back to the community! For more information about this awesome event, go to Danielle's blog, where she explains everything in way more detail and much more eloquently than I have. Hope lots of you participate! :)