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review 2014-11-16 16:57
Review: Trickster's Choice
Trickster's Choice - Tamora Pierce

Tamora Pierce has always been one of my favorite authors for her gift in telling the story of a strong young adult in a fun and magical universe. While her books often have a similar theme, with the main character fighting against a preconceived notion, Pierce is able to tell her tales in a way so that every story is interesting and you are emotionally invested in the characters.


Trickster's Choice is no exception to this, being one of my favorite Tortall novels, and one that I re-read almost every year. Alianne of Pirates's Swoop is the daughter of Baron George Cooper and Lady Alanna the Lioness. Aly's upbringing has been slightly untraditional, as can be expected when your father is second in command of the realm's spies, your mother is a female knight and the King's Champion, and your "aunts" and "uncles" consist of mages and shapechangers. At age sixteen, Aly hasn't yet found anything to be passionate about... except perhaps avoiding her mother!


When Aly's ship is taken by pirates, she finds herself embroiled in the politics of another nation, caught between the original raka people and the luarin people who conquered the islands 300 years before. With a God pulling the strings on his grandest Trick ever, no one will ever be the same. Even Aly.


I absolutely love this book. Aly's cunning reactions to everything, along with her humor, brings a lightness to a story of treachery. All of the main characters are well fleshed out, and many of the supporting characters as well. A story of a past war and the discontent of the enslaved people might be interesting, but once you throw in prophecies, Gods, magic, and spies this becomes a book that you don't want to put down. While magic is used in this book, the main focus is Aly's intelligence and the crooked paths her mind takes, which is a great alternative to the previous books of sword and sorcery. Knowing the background of the Tortall Universe is helpful, but even newcomers can pick up Trickster's Choice and fully understand and enjoy the tale.




If you enjoyed my review, please help me share it by marking it as being helpful on Amazon. I have included the link to the Amazon review in the Source section at the bottom of this review.

Source: www.amazon.com/review/R3HCCDTDQ45FOK
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review 2014-03-25 00:00
Trickster's Choice
Trickster's Choice - Tamora Pierce Another set in the Tortall world but a very different take on it. Enjoyed this one. Had an unconventional view of crows built into the story line. Is good to see the main character not as the one at the centre of a set of political events, but trying to protect those she cares about from the side.
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review 2013-12-20 00:00
Trickster's Choice (Daughter of the Lioness, Book 1)
Trickster's Choice - Tamora Pierce 12/2013 ** Still my absolute favorite of Pierce's books. An important work about the dangers of colonialization, set within the framework of a teen/young woman finding her life's passion.

9/3/12 ** Read it again...needed comfort food at the beginning of the school year. Something that I could pick up each night to relax my brain but that wouldn't suck me into total disregard for weekend work (like lesson planning and grading!)

8/3/11 - Okay, I'm re-reading it again; wanted some comfort food to finish out my summer.:)

12/4/2010 - Started reading this while I was taking a break from FAIR GAME. Of course, to be fair, I should say I started re-reading it, since I've read it at least one time, and possibly two. I was craving Tamora Pierce and this is one of her more sophisticated, well-developed tales.
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text 2013-11-13 23:29
The Rest of the Year, Part II
The Fourth Bear - Jasper Fforde
First Among Sequels - Jasper Fforde
Goblin Quest - Jim C. Hines
Goblin Hero - Jim C. Hines
Goblin War - Jim C. Hines
The Patron Saint of Liars - Ann Patchett
Trickster's Choice - Tamora Pierce
Trickster's Queen - Tamora Pierce
The Anubis Gates (Ace Science Fiction) - Tim Powers

Books I "have" to read by December 31st, OR ELSE.


(Part I Here)

(ctd in Part III)

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review 2013-10-11 18:25
Trickster's Choice
Trickster's Choice - Tamora Pierce I love Pierce's books, high fantasy young adult works featuring strong heroines. Aly is the daughter of the heroine who started it all, Alanna, from The Lioness Quartet. I liked her a lot more than her progenitor though, and prefer the two Trickster books to that early quartet or the Immortals with Daine. I was surprised to find out that among her characters Aly is the one Pierce likes the least. I think she's my favorite, even though Keladry gives her a run for her money. But then I think the very qualities that put Pierce off are exactly what I find attractive. I love Aly's cunning. She's well-named as a trickster who triumphs using her brain and not a sword. Reading the reviews, some seem to think her too clever by half, but I enjoyed Aly nimble mind and wit and ability to get out of scrapes and triumph. And she gets into a big one at the start of the book, where she gets kidnapped into slavery and winds up in a land reminiscent of Indonesia. Another great ride, and I like the sequel, Trickster's Queen even more.
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