Sorry for boring everyone with the usual drama again. Not violent threats or anything like that, just another author not getting it and mocking bully victims. Thread is closed; in case comments get edited after, some screenshots are below.
I'm not wanting to add to book discoverability so not posting author or book name here; just giving a link to fellow consumers in case drama they want to avoid.
She is also convinced she can hurt goodreads by getting published book retail product data removed from goodreads:
And how she defines sockpuppets:
(I notice because I see red every time bully victims are mocked by equating a rating on an inanimate object with the trauma and damage a person suffers when targeted by a bully so cannot resist the PSA...)
(I don't need comments on this URL share of ; just making a wee little PSA in case anyone was unaware of that particular uploader's antics or wanted to comment on that post.)
Some interesting buzzwords with links.
"…who will ever know? Consumers never tell each other things of this nature, right?
WRONG! If it gets on the Internet, double wrong…"
If you scroll down this coverage of tv show "Kitchen Nightmares" to the Amy's Baking Company owners who rated their very own section -- much reminds me of the stereotypical badly behaving authors (well, personally, I have not encountered an author who claimed God would smite me for not recognizing their god-given talents although I have seen screenshots of authors threatening to sic religious organizations on a reviewer unless review removed or changed to a 5-star rant).