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text 2019-12-12 08:50
Do you Know Saraswati Puja Mantra?

Know About Devi Maa Saraswati



Devi Maa Saraswati is the Hindu goddess (Devi) of knowledge, music, art, wisdom, and learning. Saraswati is one of the the trinity (Tridevi) – Devi Saraswati, Devi Lakshmi, and Devi Parvati. This Trinity (Tridevi)- three forms help the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva to create, maintain, and regenerate the Universe, respectively.



Rigveda is the – earliest known source which mentions – Saraswati as a goddess.

She has remained significant as a goddess from the ancient times through modern times of our Hindu Religion.


We also celebrate – Vasant Panchami. Vasant panchami is the fifth day of spring which is also known as Saraswati Jayanti. This day as per Hinduism – we celebrate by helping young children learn how to write the alphabet and various other traditional forms. 


Know the Saraswati Puja Mantra


For enhancement in overall intelligence, please recite with full dedication

Om Aing Hreeng Shreeng Vaagdevyai Saraswatyai Namah |

Beej Mantra of Maa Saraswati | Maa Saraswati Mantra


om aing mahasaraswatyai namah


Maa Saraswati Mantra to Improve Memory and Focus

saraswati namasthubhyam varade kamarupini vidyarambham karishyamisiddhir bavathume sadha

Source: hanumanjichalisa.com
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url 2019-12-12 07:10
Saraswati Puja Mantra

Devi Maa Saraswati is the Hindu goddess (Devi) of knowledge, art, music, art, wisdom, and learning. Saraswati is one of the trinity (Tridevi) – Devi Saraswati, Devi Lakshmi, and Devi Parvati. This Trinity (Tridevi)- three forms help the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva to create, maintain, and regenerate the Universe. By reading Saraswati Puja Mantra, you can be good at your field - study, business, and increase your knowledge.

Source: hanumanjichalisa.com
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