Well a few things. I hit my book goal for 2018, I read 50 books a few days ago, so cheers to that. Now I can ignore the reading challenge for the rest of the year and not feel like I am behind like I usually do.
I managed to finish 23 books this month. For the most part I had some good reads (check out the 3 to 5 star books I read this month) though I had a couple of doozies. Looking at you Dean Koontz.
I also managed to finish up a book that fit The (Mostly) Dead Writers Society 52 weeks challenge (that was "A Mother Like Mine").
On another note, it came up last night during a Twitter discussion that many authors of color out there want to see more reviewers of color review their books. See tweet thread here:
I have been better about trying to read more books by POC, but I am going to step it up even more. I found Justina Ireland and Dhonielle Clayton's comments about this to be really good discussion topics last night and of course I hard cringed at reviewers who were white who popped up crying reverse racism (please stop that people). What is good though is that I had a lot of people reach out to me last night and ask about how to follow me on Booklikes and Goodreads. So hopefully this means we get to see some new faces around Booklikes!
I do have an account on NetGalley, but I am terrible about not using it. Char has pushed me to go there and I finally did after an author reached out to me last year about reviewing her book. For me I think that I like to either buy the book or borrow from the library so no one can try to claim that my review is biased. I am going to use NetGalley and even went in this morning (hey my password still works!) and requested some interesting looking books.
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
My favorite book for this month will be "The Gunslinger" and my least favorite that mess of a book, "The Silent Corner."
Happy reading folks!