If water pumps Manufacturers are experiencing tinnitus (ringing in the ears), muffled sound after listening to your iPod, or you are having difficulty hearing conversations, visit to a physician and take a hearing test.
That's louder than a chain saw or pneumatic drill, and equivalent to a jet plane taking off! But iPod fans are being warned to turn their music down.. Try to limit listening to no more than 60 minutes a day. You can hear the music from your iPod, but you are unaware of the excessive volume.
During my first 20 years in hearing health practice, our clientele were mainly seniors around 75 years of age. Many people who listen to iPods in noisy environments pump up the volume to dangerous levels to drown out background noise. The download contains a setting to limit the volume.
However, permanent damage can occur with prolonged exposure to extremely loud or moderately loud noise. 3. 5. When these nerve hair cells are destroyed, irreversible hearing loss results.Since their debut in the marketplace, iPods have revolutionized the way we listen to music