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Search tags: we-still-havent-read
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video 2018-05-22 17:26
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text 2017-09-19 15:39
When Michael Met Mina
When Michael Met Mina - Randa Abdel-Fattah

So no one working on this book has read Skellig?

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text 2015-01-26 13:56
We Still Haven't Read...#3

We still haven't read is a meme over on K-Books (I still haven't read) that features book that we still haven't got around to reading from our "To Be Read" pile.



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text 2013-10-26 21:57
Challenge: 30 Day Book Challenge Day Twenty-Three

 A Book You Wanted to Read for a Long Time but Still Haven't


Oh, prompt. It's like you know me. Where to begin? Oh, hell! Let's just list it (since I should be getting ready for the annual family hayride.. we have to have been doing it over 15 years now! Excite!):


  • Pride and Prejudice
  • Ender's Game (I have a hard deadline of Friday Nov 8th for this)
  • Paradise Lost
  • Any book that I constantly put on my "Read these 12 books in the year 201X" 


Seriously. I am horrid at such things. I've marked a few off this year that I've been meaning to read.. but there are always more books to be read.


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