Finding secure web hosting can be a challenge for beginners and those who don’t understand what it takes to protect a website from all the online attacks happening across the internet. Fortunately, many top providers will do all the heavy lifting to protect you from intruders and costly downtime. In this write up, we will try to cover up some of the web hosting security tips as followed by the web hosting company in Tamil Nadu.
- Avoid untrustworthy third party apps and sanitize input data
If your site uses a database backend, it is important to know and trust the code behind your website. Verifying your code works and verifying its secure and stable are two very different beasts to wrangle. You’ll want to validate your code coming into your CMS or application (input data) and confirm it matches what’s presented to the end user on the frontend (output data).
- Follow best practices for java script encoding
If your site uses JavaScript, protect it from XSS attacks by using best practices for encoding and sanitizing any and all input fields on your website. You can also implement one of the many open-source libraries to prevent XSS attacks.
- Ensure request validity with random challenge tokens
Developers should always append random challenge tokens to each request that are associated with the user’s session. By including a challenge token, you can ensure the request is valid and not coming from a source other than the intended user.
- Enforce password complexity and implement request throttling
To create a secured password:
- Avoid common words
- Avoid obvious personal details
- Make it longer than six characters
- Include a mixture of capital and lower case letters
- Include number sand symbols
- Do not use predictable password